Alliance is up on KU

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Hi guys!

I will probably be taking Alliance down soon or some of it at least as I've decided to post it on Kindle Unlimited (some of it is already there if you'd love to support me and already have kindle unlimited and love to give it a read again! )

Classifed will still be here for a bit longer since it needs a lot of editing before I'll post it but I would love it if you guys wanted to support me and give it a read or a review on KU!

Love you guys and thankyou so much for the support so far xx

It's Alliance by Auria Zephyr.

I don't want to remove the book from here since I know there's so many amazing readers that can only or only do read on Wattpad but I want to broaden my horizons so I'll leave it up for as long as possible but I'll have to remove it soon.

I will be leaving the first few chapters up as a sample for any newbies but I do apologise for any people that were looking forward to reading it.

If you do have KU and wanted to support me, I'd love it if you would give the book a review or even read it agin and message me what you think! I love hearing it all - the good and the bad (but mainly the good hahah)

And thankyou guys again for all the amazing support I've found here.

Appreciate and love you guys, I wish KU had commenting like Wattpad so I could always reply to all the comments.

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