26 | Lilac

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The door of the warehouse squeaks open, Andy walking towards me on near silent feet.

She narrows her probing gaze on me, "This is where you've been?" Her lip curls up at the sight of the warehouse, "It smells of man." She pauses, "and sex."

I hold my hands up, "Not me."

Her gaze tracks over me before she walks forward, "Why am I here?"

"I have information."

"It couldn't be shared over the phone?"

I shake my head and Andy looks at me, like really looks at me before she takes a seat beside me. "What is it?"

"Director is still taking people." I murmur.

"You knew this." She says back softly. "You suspected this remember?"

"Yeah, but I didn't have proof after I escaped, his building went up in flames and his whole operation shut down. We couldn't find anything remember?"

"What's changed?"

I hear the two pairs of steps as they ascend the stairs, pushing out of the basement.

I flick my chin towards the golden haired man, "him."

Andy turns her head and the man stops in his tracks, eyebrows climbing up his forehead.

"Darlin', you stalking me?" A groan emits from Andy's lips and she focuses back on me, narrowing her eyes.

What'd I do?

"What are you doing here?" She asks the man, Liam, crossing her arms. "I thought you were one of the good guys." She waved her arms to encompass the area, "Newsflash this isn't the good guys lair."

A grin ticks up the corner of the guys mouth and he folds his arms, copying her movements. "I know."

I look past his shoulder at John, but he only shakes his head back at me, as confused as I am.

"How do you two know each other?" I interrupt.

"We're getting married." Liam answers at the same time as Andy mutters, "He is a giant pain in the ass."

I lift a brow, confused.

Andy's shoulders slump and she turns her head to face me, "We've crossed paths once or twice." She raises her brows as if saying she would elaborate later and I nod, taking the answer.

"Okay." Flicking my gaze between the two of them before focusing on Andy, "Did you bring your equipment?"

"You requested it didn't you?" She mutters, walking for the door.

"I'll help!" Liam says happily, bouncing after her.

"No." She cuts him off, turning to glare at him as he follows.

"Don't be like that, Darlin, you know you need me." He goes to touch her shoulder and she shies away, her lips curling.

"I don't like you." She mutters, beginning for the door again.

"Cause you love me." He sings back, walking out the door, his eyes find mine as he exits and he winks just before shutting the door and I blink back, feeling out of place.

"You have another brother." The words are a statement, not a question.

"The youngest."

I stew on the information for a minute before turning to him, "He needs to tell me everything."

John looks between my eyes, his brows drawing in slightly before he nods, "He will."

I look back towards the door and then turn back to John, "I'll try to get them out but-"

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