39 | Lilac

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"Just like old times, huh?" I mutter, my shoulder brushing my sisters.

She looks at me, her eyes unfocused before a smile lights up her face.

"I missed it." She murmurs, crouching low to the ground as we watch a man walk around the perimeter of the building, his eyes sweeping over the area, looking for any sign of danger.

My eyes slip to the roof of the opposite building, knowing Gary awaits there with one of his men.

I step further back around the wall, flexing my fingers on the gun I hold, watching the man silently before he disappears around the bend, continuing his stroll. I slip the gun back in the holster at my hip, making sure the safety is on.

"How long?" Holland murmurs.

I glance down at the timer on my phone, seeing the minutes turn to seconds.

"Fifty-seven seconds."

Holland nods, humming low under her breath.

The silence of the night brings with it nerves, my eyes continuously dragging towards the seconds counting down.


I calm my breathing, silencing my thoughts, my eyes go to the corner of the building, the object nestled near the wall forming in my mind, before I look towards the door, knowing another sits there, waiting.

I quickly scan the area, making sure both Lukas and Ray are nowhere to be seen, nowhere near the blast.


The sky rattles, the stars illuminating as a roll of thunder rumbles along the ground. Shaking the foundation.

I drop to the ground and palm two of the smoke bombs, feeling their heaviness in my hands before I hand one to Holland.

I stand from my crouched position, grabbing my phone to check the timer again, fingers curling around the edges, tips whitening from how tight I hold it.


I lift my head, finding Holland looking at me with a raised brow, silently asking how long.

I show her the phone, the screen illuminating the sharp plains of her face, the darkness under her eyes prominent.

Nine seconds.

I slip the phone away, counting the rest of the seconds down in my head, waiting. The smoke bomb gripped between my fingers as I reach back for my gun, flicking the safety off.

"Three. Two. One." Andy's voice sounds in my ear, and I get ready to run.

The terrible flash blinds me for a moment before I duck behind the wall, closing my palms over my ears, blocking the sounds of the bombs detonating.

Holland stands beside me, blocking her hearing and squeezing her eyes shut as we both wait the precious seconds for sound to return.

"Now." Andy says.

I breathe out, peeking around the wall before we both step out into the cloud of smoke, disguising our bodies.

• • •

Bodies blast past us, their own minds too concerned with survival then to pay attention to two women amongst them.

Rubble crushes under our feet but we continue on, hands tightening on our respective guns, our smoke bombs already deployed as soon as we stepped foot in the door, having to take down two agents who saw us.

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