37 | Lilac

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I hear the rumble of the engine before my own car idles beside me, Holland staring at me through the window, her face hidden by the shadow of the shade visor.

I stop, breathing out softly and turning to her with a brow raised, still feeling the remnants of our conversation thrumming though my blood, hearing my heartbeat in my ears.

"I'm sorry." Holland says when she notices my attention, her head tilted to stare at me through the open window.

"What are you doing out of the house, I put you there cause it was safe." I cross my arms over my chest.

"Liam is a hard person to live with when I don't have people as buffers." She informs me as if I haven't figured that out.

I hesitate, "You still would have been safe."

She narrows her eyes on me, "Get in the car."

"I don't want to do this, Holland," my mind is tired, my body very much the same.

"Get in the car, Lilac."

I stop, turning to glare at her, "I don't want to talk."

"I don't care. Get in."

I turn, the car drifting to a stop slightly in front of me before I bend down to look in the window at my sister, she lifts a challenging brow at me. "Are you getting in?"

"Why are you here, you need to be resting back at the house." I say again.

"You walked out." Holland says, her words tapering off softly.

"You were being a bitch." I say monotone, looking at her face.

She sighs, her eyes dropping. "Yeah, I'm sorry." She sighs, "I'm sorry for pushing you." She looks back up at me, her face earnest. "You were right, I understand you." She breathes in slightly, taking in a deep breath. "I just wish I didn't."

I narrow my eyes at the words before reaching forward, opening the passenger door and getting in.

"I'm sorry." Holland says again and I look over to her, breathing out slowly.

"It's okay." I say, "I know." After a moment I speak again. "I'm sorry too."

"For what?"

"For hurting you." I reply softly. "Even if I didn't mean to."

Holland is silent for a moment, letting my words sink in before she nods her head and looks back at the road, and she begins driving again.

The car is silent for a few streets before she speaks, her words soft but the emotion behind them strong.

"You're my sister Lilac and I've only just found out you're alive again. I thought you were dead for the past year and a half, I blamed myself, just to find out you were alive but didn't come to me for help, I feel like I failed you."

My heart beats erratically in my chest and I stare out the window as I reply. "You didn't."

"But I feel like I did."

I turn to stare at the side of her face, "I was protecting you for once."

"I'm the older sister." She says.

I laugh, the sound short. "That doesn't mean shit."

"It does to me," Holland says, "I want to protect you. And you don't need me to anymore."

"I still need you, I just don't want you to get hurt. You were safe when you went rogue, it was the best decision you made." I say, shrugging, "but then you came back and by then it was too late to tell you, I'd already made up my mind."

Classified || 2 || ✔️ mature Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora