Hoofdstuk Vier: Incapable of Lies

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"Hallo!" Elizabeth says as she walks to the counter, Max's arm was being pulled by Elizabeth forcing him to follow her to the barista stood behind the counter. She looks up at Max and smiles, "What'd you like?" In a whisper not wanting the person to hear so she could order for him.

"Just a coffee?"


"Nothing just black, please," giving into the look she was giving to order for him.

"Ik wil graag een zwarte koffie, alstublieft," I would like a black coffee, please. With Max's arm still being held, the barista nods and goes to make it for him. The man comes back with the coffee and Elizabeth quickly hands him a bill before Max could act and pays for the drink.

"Hier," here she hands him the coffee that was full to the rim with the black steaming liquid, "Coffee always makes me feel better," she confesses as they sit back at her table she had be occupying for only the last 20 minutes, she had finally let go of his arm and sat across from him where all her stuff spread across the length of the table.

Elizabeth grimaces as she looks at the mess of all her notes, "move what you need to, sorry about the mess."

"Don't worry," Max shakes his head dismissing her need to apologize for something unnecessary. Honesty is something they have a shared liking for, so far they had never once lied to each other, lies are quite messy after all. Both Nederlanders pride themselves in the inability to lie, it may be bad in some ways but honesty is something consistent that they both could count on.

For Elizabeth, even thinking about the act of lying makes her feel sick to her stomach, her elder sibling lied too much and each one caught up to her in the end. Lying had never gave the liar a good fate, always finding it's way back to the person spewing false information.

For Max lying is something he grew up to hate, the little white lies always caught up to his parents he didn't want to same fate for himself. Lying is unnecessary in his eyes. Sure telling the truth can make people hate you but the other way around is way worse.

Neither could tell you the last time they had lied for they do not know, maybe telling someone they were fine when they really were not.

The record in the back of the coffee shop was playing a Doe Maar record, the song Pa playing loud. It brings a bigger smile to Elizabeth's face, "I love Doe Maar," she grins her eyes shinning with joy, music really was her passion.

"Music person?" Max asked, though he already knows the answer he wanted to hear her talk about it. One thing Max loves is listening to someone talk about their passions watching their eyes light up just make him happy.

"Of course," Elizabeth leans forward on her arms that were resting on the small table, "I've been writing music for years, it hasn't gone anywhere yet but I get some odd gigs," Her smile never flatters, Max begins to wonder if she always smiles, he only once saw her with a slight frown and that was when he told her about his boss.

Wanting to know more max asks, "What type of music?"

Elizabeth hums and looks away from Max and brought her eyes to the things in the room to think, "Everything really, some Jazz, Rock, Pop, I try not to discriminate the world of music. All music deserves and equal chance."

Max lets out a laugh before becoming jokingly serious, "Some wise words you spoke Miss. Elsje."

"Of course, except nothing less."

"I wouldn't dare."

With that Elizabeth beams, Max had been the first to add into her joking like that and she couldn't be happier. She finally has a good friend that's not the workers at her favourite store, or her older friends that are old enough to be her grandparents, a real friend her age!

Max was thinking how with anyone else he wouldn't have done that, other than his really close mates but that was somehow different. Different in a way that he wasn't sure how to express with words, no word he had learned in the few languages he knows had one word for this feeling. Not in German, Dutch, English and not even in the little French he knows.

This time when they parted ways once more Max had gotten her number.


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