Hoofdstuk Elf: Zouden We?

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few weeks later


He hums not looking up from a newspaper in front of him, yes the Max Verstappen was reading a newspaper the Noordhollands Dagblad to be exact, which had the Dutch National Football team: Oranje, on the front of it all of them cheering with large smiles plastered on their faces.

"I think we should go skating," Elizabeth says randomly, staring out her apartment window as snow falls from the grey skies. She was standing near the window where her plants litters the sill. Max sat at her small circle dinning table newspaper in hand and a black coffee in one of Elizabeth's fancy Royal Albert China flower cups which made the blonde laugh hysterically a few minutes ago when max pored steaming hot coffee in her favourite tea cup.

Max laughs lightly tearing his eyes from reading about football, "zouden we?" Should we? A teasing smile graces his lips.

"Ja!" She spins around to look at him a joyous look on her face, "I've never been but-"

"You've never skated?!" he gasps dramatically, "C'mon! You're a Nederlander!"

"To be fair-" she tries to think of a reason but comes up with none. there's a few moments of silence as Max takes a sip from Elizabeth's purple floral cup.

He clears his throat, "I'll take you skating." He looks back to the paper too invested in a exclusive interview with his friend Virgil van Dijk. (quick story about this because yous need some Alex lore, so in clas the other day on the first day of new classes we were told to find things we like the design of, right? So I was thinking the Dutch dijks, i search "dutch dijks" and all that comes up was Virgil smh.)

In the kitchen where they both resided in the pink apartment, Elizabeth's cat: Iggy, was on top of the tile counter, his tail slowly swaying, Elizabeth was in a large hoodie with cherry blossoms on the back her hands were wrapped around a mug of hot chocolate as she stared out the window a smile on her pale face. "Yes! Woo!" She cheers, "Thanks, Max!" he jumps slightly scaring himself out of his thoughts.

"Of course, Els."


"Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea!" Elizabeth yells holding onto Max's arm and she almost slips again her skates scratch the ice as she tried to steady herself, "Why would you let me do this?!"

"You wanted to!"  he argues back, he also knew this would be a bad idea but what's the fun in saying no? and plus Max gets the view of Elizabeth trying to skate for the first time and it was hilarious, she looked like Bambi on the ice when he was a newborn.

"you should have said no!"

"What's the fun in that?" he smirks grabbing her left arm as her skates slid to the side and almost made her fall again.

Elizabeth frowned, "I thought this would be fun and that I would be a natural."

"that was a silly thought."

"Silly, Max Verstappen called me silly," she throws her head back as she laughed, "I'm telling Twitter on you!"

"I'll Daniel what you've said before," Max threatens as he goes to let go of Elizabeth's arm to which she grabbed his jacket instead.

"No!"  she leans in closer as if whispering a secret, "He's scary!"


"C'mon who else!"

"He's like the most un-scary person in the world," Max confessed.

"But he'll fight me for the number 1 spot, you're a great friend but I'm not fighting someone who works out on a daily basis for you."

"Wauww," he gasps, "I see how it is"

"Nee! sorry!"

Max completely lets go and skates a few paces away from Elizabeth (as a joke) and she tries to go after him but yet again she was quite slow, with taking steps like a child learning to walk, she kind of started to get it and got more and more comfortable with the new feeling. how ever going faster was the wrong choice as she slips and ends up crashing right into the back of max who stopped and waited for Elizabeth to catch up.

Max - having to have quick thinking due to Formula 1 - spins and grabs her around her middle as to help steady her. "Whoops, sorry," she smiles awkwardly as crystal blue eyes met ocean blue, her eyes reflected her warmth as a person they held a certain kindness to them that most eyes don't contain. Max's eyes are sharp, almost as they hold a pain from past experience's but they too hold a kindness that Elizabeth hadn't seen in someone's eyes before other than her dear parents.

Suddenly their surrounding's come to focus as they step away awkwardly, Max coughs and brings his hand to the back of his head, "erm, sorry about that..."

"No problem..."


"I am so stupid!" Max groans, his Iphone in his hand as he complained to his best friends.

"Max," Lando Norris laughed his face displayed on the small screen as he laid on Max's couch with Max's cats whom he and Daniel had been watching together, "It's not that bad!"

"Well it is if you're saying it's not bad!"

"He's right," Daniel speaks up, "It was just so that she didn't fall, I'm sure she's not thinking into it." 

Max stays silent as he watches his friends sincere faces on his screen, "... do you want her to think into it?" Lando asks his video moving as he gets up to roam Max's home.

"Wha- No! No, no, why- why would I want that?"

"Well you've been hanging out with her a lot," Lando replies trying to get his friend to catch on.

"You jealous?" Max jokes.

"Get your head in the game, Mate!" Daniel chimes in catching onto Lando's line of thought.

"Honestly out side of F1 I think she's my best friend," both of his friends groan in frustration, "What?!"


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