dancing again because i think its so adorable

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Filler chapter, not really counting this as one full chapter- I'll add more to this later. (also the reason I didn't make the Dutch in italics because I don't count it as a chapter yet)


The day has coming to an end, the unusually bright sun was beginning to set as the sky grew darker by the second. the setting sun brought the stars to litter the darkening Rotterdam sky. the laughs of the two unlikely friends where heard by strangers passing each turning their head to glance at the loud duo.

Bundled up in winter attire, Elizabeth grinned nudging Max's arm with her shoulder, "I can't believe you did that!"

"Listen, they deserved it," Max defends before glancing up at the sky a smirk on his face. "And even better: Daniel then went back over to them to give them a piece of his mind."

"You guys just love fighting, hé?"

"Moment of weakness," he shrugs, "and in my defense they said Daniel was a bad driver what was I supposed to do? stand there?"

"No, but you didn't need to actually lay hands on the poor bloke either," she clicks her tongue at him to show her discontent with his actions.

Max hums bringing his coffee to his lips to take a sip of the hot liquid. The two are brought to a comfortable silence for a few minutes, both in their own head thinking about their own thing while watching the groups of people walking past.

Elizabeth speaks again after a few minutes, "What are you thinking about?"

You. "Nothin'," He mumbles looking at her, blue meets blue in a way they haven't before. There's something lingering behind his bright eyes that she couldn't place, she didn't need to, content in her blissful unaware state.

"You can tell me anything," She says after his hesitance, saying the same line everyone has said in the history of the world at least once, she's glad she's used that once on him, "You know that... right?"

Max lets out a quite cough before replying, "Of course, no secret's." he clenches his jaw for a moment before relaxing.

"Goed." she replies shortly, humming to herself a tone she heard in the coffee shop about ten minutes ago.

Max swallows thickly before turning away again to the sky above, as if it was the most interesting thing he'd ever seen in his life time. Guilt was building inside of him, making him not be able to sit still in his spot on the cafe bench outside of their cafe.

"I'll miss you, Els." his calloused hands held onto his mug of black coffee tightly afraid of the slight tremor in his hands from nerves, c'mon max you're better than this. "You should come to the airport with me, to... y'know say goodbye."

Elizabeth's eyes widen at the sudden confession of knowing he'd miss her, of course she knew that she'd miss him when he was off doing his own thing but she genuinely didn't believe that he'd be the one to confess something like this. Never once had someone been as transparent as Max has been with her since the day their paths crossed for the first time.

"I thought I already was," she shrugged a teasing smile now on her lips, "You think you can get rid of me that easily? I thought you knew better, Mr. Genius."

"My dearest apologies, Lizard."

"You should be sorry, jerk."

Max let's out a light laugh as he looks down at his now empty cup, Elizabeth does the same to her lipstick stained cup, both of them thinking about having to leave one another after spending the past weeks together.

Her lips form a soft smile as their eyes lock, "Don't forget about me Mr. Famous F1 Driver."

How could I? he wanted those words to pass his lips but his nervous brain didn't let him, "Of course not."

Elizabeth hums looking away up at the string lights hung around them on the patio, snow starts to lightly fall from the darkened-grey sky only every once and a while. It wasn't fully snowing but it was enough to bring a bright smile back to her face after being in another world for a few seconds. It was bound to happen as it was a beautiful day, but in Elizabeth's opinion it only added to the beauty of the day.

Max realizes the change in her demeaner quite quickly as he looks up to see where her fascination was held, "It's snowing!" She says with a grin, her face was flush with the cold crisp blanket of air that was wrapped around them. "C'mon!"

As usual, he gives in and stands from his comfortable position on the Café chair. Her hand was held in front of herself offering it to her best friend, unbeknownst to her; his face flushes lightly before putting his gloved hand on hers.

snow littered her light blonde hair, eyelashes - which was making her squint, and winter coat. Usually Max hated the snow, the bitter cold nipping at his pale skin, the snow that'd later turn to water on top his hair. But now he could help but appreciate the beauty of the cold white flakes, the same flakes that made Elizabeth grin like he hasn't witnessed before.

He lifts their conjoined hands into the air as he tells her to spin, she spins as her laughter fills the air, they come back together in a slow dance slightly swaying like that day in her apartment. The familiar dance making both Dutch natives smile.

"Don't have too much fun without me," she teases in a whisper.

"well, there goes my plans."

"Wow," she says, "that was quite uncalled for."

"You know I'm joking."


"I am!"

okay, okay I know I said a long chapter... I lied. But I bring good news, your girl has scored herself (by that I mean I asked for his number. I'm delusional we are literally just talking and idk if he even likes me.) a man. Forgive me; I'm a hopeless romantic and my friends are tired of me talking about him so I decided to bother yous. he's such a sweetheart. okay- I'm done. BYE

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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