Chapter 3: Never again

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April could still remember his tight grip on her waist. She was certain; he'd throw her out once he couldn't have his way with her. Just like his son did to her. She wrapped the towel around her body and tried getting up, only to fall to the floor.

"It looks like I have to teach you again who you belong to." Austin turned and looked down on April. "What do you mean?" April asked, confused by his remark. 

"Let's just say your brother sold you to me." The older man shrugged, getting out of bed.

"My brother? I haven't heard from him in years. How the hell did he sell me to you?" April snapped. Austin lifted his hand in the air, ready to discipline her. Just as he was about to slap her, he heard a knock on the door.

"Grandpa? Are you okay? the little one asked. "I'm fine; I'll be down in 15 minutes," he glared at April. "Your brother borrowed some money from me, and what a surprise when I found out you were dating my son. I had a hard time getting you in my bed" Austin smiled, kneeling to meet April's eyes. Lifting her chin. 

Here is going; he's going to throw me out. I knew it. I'm such a fool to believe in a happy ever after. April thought to herself. As she prayed, he would let her go. Even though deep down, she didn't want that; instead, she wanted him to want her.

Austin smirks evilly. "Now that I have you, no one will get the chance of having you." He got up, headed to the bathroom, freshened up, got dressed, and went downstairs. where his daughter, granddaughter, and husband are.

"Daddy? Why are you smiling like that?"His pregnant daughter questioned him as he fed the four-year-old. 

She was smart for her age but acted like a baby around her grandfather. Austin looked up, and with a smile "Nothing. Just had a good sleep, that's all."

"That explains the hickeys on your neck." Ben joked as Austin threw a knife at him. He dodged and continued to laugh. "Grandpa, what is a hickey?" Kali the younger asked curiously. Austin cursed under his breath. "A love kiss sweety", he replied glaring at Ben.

"Mr. Clark, you have a meeting at 9 a.m." Austin's secretary reminded him. He groaned as he remembered all the paperwork he had to do. 

"Before you go, we need to discuss the Eastern Company in Kingston," Ben said. He was serious, and the room shifted with the intensity. Austin instructed his butler to take Destiny and Kali up.

"You have to take out the chairman; he's using his company to run an underground drug business. If that continues, it will affect those in the Western Company, including us. I don't want my unborn child to not see his father." Ben reasoned.

"I know. I'm dealing with it," Austin sighed. This is not the first time he has had to do something like this. "How's April?" Ben asked, snapping Austin out of his trance.

Austin smiled and called his butler to bring April down. To his surprise, the butler had other news. "Boss!, Boss!, she's not there. I searched everywhere," the butler exclaimed. 

"Are you stupid? How could you let her escape? Find her or you a dead man!" Austin yelled. As he clenched his fist. 

A.N: Hey, how's it going I hope you liked this chapter. Tell me what you think.

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