the starry night

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I wanted him near me,
to gaze at the twinkling stars and the glistening moon,
that reminded me of him.
I didn't want to be alone,
not on this winter night.

So I make my way to his home.
"Hey, I'm at your backdoor."
I see the single tick turn to double ticks.
No response.
Suddenly I feel the warmth of someone standing right behind me,
I knew it was him.
He lifts me off the ground without consent and carries me to the front door,
"This is going to be your home soon.
You must learn to use the front door," he smiled.
My face turned red like a tomato as he caught me off guard.

I'd left my home in such a rush that I forgot to carry a sweater with me,
I was freezing by the time I got there.
He took me up to his room,
"Here you need this, you're freezing," he said handing out one of his hoodies.
I take it quietly.

"I just came here because I didn't want to be alone.
But aren't your parents home?" I say.
"You don't have to explain, I'm glad you're here. I didn't want to be alone either.
And don't worry, my parents aren't home."

We stargaze on his rooftop with a cup of hot chocolate that he'd made
just the way I liked it.
Actually, I stargaze while he gazes at me
with so much affection in his eyes.
"What are you looking at?" I ask laughing.
"The most stunning moon."
"Well, this moon has more craters than the real one," I say referring to my not so clear skin.
"But aren't the craters that make the moon alluring?"
I blush.
"You are alluring, my love," he says as he comes closer,
clearing the back of my ear by pushing away some strands of hair,
and plants a kiss there.
His favorite spot to kiss.
After my mouth, of course.

Back in his room,
he removes the hoodie so gently,
cradling my face in his hands,
tucking my hair behind my ear,
planting more kisses behind my ear and on the side of my neck,
carefully making me sit on his bed,
undressing me layer by layer in the most delicate way possible.
It was almost like,
if he rushed, he would ruin the moment,
and if he was rough, even the slightest, he would hurt me.

When he finally got all of my clothes on the floor,
he saw the many scars over my naked and vulnerable body.
"Ugly scars huh?" I asked feeling slightly shy.
"Not at all, they're beautiful.
When I said, I wanted you,
I meant I wanted even your flaws, everything about you,
every inch of your very existence.
I love you and all your flaws.
Always remember that. Okay?"
he said as he took his hand slowly up and in between my legs.
I blush harder.
His hand is inside me as I gasp for more air.
He smiles to himself, "We don't have to be quite today," he says caressing my breast tenderly.
I'm flushed and starting to sweat in the cold weather.
"Is it good?" he asks.
"The best!"

He looks content.
"Next level? May I enter?" he asks for permission.
"Yes you may."
He crawls on top of me and I feel him inside me,
he's hard, warm and just so so good.
He moves ever so gently,
going in deeper and deeper
while I struggle to get air in my lungs.

By the end of our climax,
we're both out of breath,
he gets off of me, lies down on the bed next to me
and looks at me with glistening eyes,
reminding me of the moon.
He then pulls me closer,
wrapping me in his warm embrace and planting a kiss on my forehead.
"I love you," he says.
I grab his face and press my mouth against his
tasting the hot chocolate we'd had a while ago.
He's dumbstruck for a while
and I feel the smile on his mouth while I'm still kissing him.
"I love you, always," I say when I was out of breath again.
He hugs me and we fall asleep together.

Our version of, 'The Starry Night.'
Better than that of van Gogh, right?

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