you are enough (his pov 4)

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His pov,

I don't think I've ever
Felt what love was before I knew her.
She made me feel so many emotions
Just by her mere existence.

She says she's scared that
She'll hurt the ones she loves,
She'll destroy them emotionally and mentally.
And when she says, "Leave me alone,"
What she actually means is, "Just hold on to me a little longer."

She says that being in her circle of love,
Means that one must also be ready to get scarred.
Because if something went wrong,
She would unintentionally
Hurt the one she loves the most.

She tells me about her sister, whom she loves
To the moon and back.
I love to watch her speak about her sister,
Because I can see the way her eyes twinkle
Just at the mere thought of her.
But she also hurts her sister the most, it seems.
Which is why she's scared of getting close to me,
Cause she might end up hurting me too.

She thinks she's not worthy of love
Because her love comes with a lot of pain too.
Yet I would choose her knowing all of this.
She does not know that it would
Be a privilege to get my heart scarred by her.

She treats the world with so much love and affection,
I hope that she gave some of that to herself as well.
No one has been crueller to her than she has been to herself.
She keeps putting herself down,
And it would be an honor to make her see what she is worthy of.
She says love only knows broken ends,
And I would do anything to prove her wrong.

She thinks that she has nothing to offer
Other than the tired soul of hers.
But she does not know that
The weary soul of hers is the most beautiful one
That I have ever seen in my entire life
And that her tired soul is more than enough for me.

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