could you fuckin listen? (narcissist pt.5)

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I cried for hours,
I waited for your reply,
I went through what had happened over and over in my head.
'Okay, I messed up. Not entirely, but I'm going to own my part.
I'll meet him tomorrow and make everything right.' I thought.

I toss and turn in my bed.
I huff because I am not able to get some rest.
It feels like tomorrow is a very important test.

I see him walking towards me in his Red shirt.
'No, not red. Not today.' I whined.
Because if I failed to make it right,
it would hurt more.
Then my eyes fall to the people around you-
the other girls.
You were laughing and smiling with them.
'You also look like you've got a good night's sleep.
Should have seen that coming.'

I talk, I wanted you to listen, I pleaded,
'I'm not going to beg you to stay.'
But you didn't even listen to what I had to say.
You just walked away, making me feel rejected, small, unheard, and disrespected.
I tried to state what you did wrong, I tried to accept what I did wrong.
But you just made me feel like the only one who was wrong was me.


This is how a confrontation or a conversation with the narcissist, about something that the narc did wrong would go like. I brought light on to how his actions were hurting me, and making me feel unimportant. But he just got defensive and started blaming me for his actions.
I wasn't aware of the existence of such a demon called a narcissist. But I know now; I've done my research.

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