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I looked at you from afar,
you always looked so beautiful.
And I don't mean beautiful because of your face.
It's the little things that you do.

The way you smile when something fascinates you;
The way you get happy like a kid when you find someone to relate with;
The way your face turns red when you're angry;
The way you blush and fail terribly at hiding it;
The way your eyes show how sad you really are,
and also the way they twinkle when you look at someone you love.
The way you scrunch your face when you don't get something;
The way you are obsessed with your hair;
The way you talk to people politely;
The way you are kind.
That's what makes you beautiful.

But it kills me to see you with someone else,
What do I do?
I watch you from the corner,
smiling at something she said.
I'm glad that you're happy,
but I'm sad that you're not happy with me.
I wish I could tell you all of this everytime when you're passing me by,
but I can't.

So many times I just wanted to wrap you up in my arms,
only to feel how it was to be close to you.
Maybe I would stop breathing if that happened.
Perhaps it's you for me, but not me for you.
You make me lose my mind,
but still, I wish you were mine.

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