right one

53 4 0

I heard she gifted you a sexy wallet,
that was on the expensive side.
Will she ever know,
that you only need her to feed you love?
And saw that she gave you a lipstick mark on a tissue.
Will she ever know,
that you only need her to kiss your soul?

I heard that she thinks you disrespect her,
when you're just blurting out stuff by mistake.
Will she ever know,
that she could call you out for what you did instead of never addressing them?
I see that she hurts you over and over.
Will she ever know,
that it's not always your fault?

I heard that you take her to the escape room,
even on the days when you just want to curl up in your bed,
and escape your own thoughts.
Will she ever know,
that the way you function is different?
I see that you only need someone to hold your hand in silence.
Will she ever know,
that you only want to have a meaningful conversation with her?

And I can't seem to fathom why you still choose her.
I could find you in a room filled with people with a blindfold on.
I could touch your soul without using my hands.
I could kiss your soul on the days when you feel you're unlovable.

No, I've not known you forever.
Yet I get you better than her.
I have you figured out.
I could show you that I'm the right one who understands you.

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