one sided love

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Isn't one sided love the most stupid, funny,
yet innocent?
I loved him from afar
without expecting anything in return.
If I think about it, it's kinda creepy too.
Like I literally know everything about him.

I know his favorite author,
his favorite color,
and favorite composer.

The way I can recognize
the sound of his laughter,
the smell of his perfume,
and the way he does his hair.
And how he always carries a little comb
in his pocket to keep his curls in place.

The way I can find his eyes
that are deeper than the ocean,
in a room full of unknown faces.
The way I know how they change from
a chocolate brown to a brilliant amber
under the radiant sun.
And the way his eyes shine
when he looks at someone he loves.
But it hurts.
Oh, it hurts
to know that he would never look at me like that.

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