Nobody's gonna know

187 12 11

An old draft ... But somehow a cute one so I thought why not gonna post it 😆

Her blonde hair fell in big curls around her discreetly made-up face. She carefully applied a little lip gloss and checked her make-up in the mirror again.

I'm done, are you? Wow!

Bradley was actually just about to do up his shirt sleeves, but he was caught off guard by the sight of her.

You look stunning!


She stroked her hands over the red wool dress she had chosen, a little unsure.

Yes, you're breathtaking!

His hands found their place on her hips and he began to plant kisses on her neck.

Don't, B!

She started giggling and tried to get his face off her neck.

I just got my hair done!

Oh sorry!

Instead, he held out her coat for her to slip into.

Ready for a delicious Christmas dinner?

I'm starving!

They both put their shoes on before heading outside. However, Bradley had forgotten his car keys, so Stefani went back into the living room and passed the large mirror hanging on the wall. Out of the corner of her eye, something caught her attention, which made her stand rooted to the spot.

Bradley? B!

He was already outside, but when he heard her call he came back and stuck his head in the door.

What's going on? The keys should be on the dining table.

That's not it.

Then what is it.

The concern in her voice worried him, so he went back in to see what her problem was. She was standing in front of the mirror, looking at her sideways reflection.

What is wrong?

Her eyes found his and with a certain desperation she looked at him.

Look at that.

She turned sideways to him and stroked her dress.

People will see it.

Wordlessly, he walked up to her, knelt in front of her with one knee and stroked his hand over her stomach.

You can only see it a tiny bit, no one will notice, Stef.

Before he stood in front of her again, he placed a kiss on the spot where his hand had recently been.

Are you sure?

If you feel uncomfortable, then put on another dress?

It's not the dress, I'm just afraid something will show.

They won't notice, I'm sure of it.

She nodded and smiled at him.


Encouragingly, he took her hand in his and gave her a little kiss.

Are you really feeling well? You can have my shirt if you want. It's a bit bigger.

You're cute, thank you! But I think our parents will look at me funny if I show up at the restaurant in your shirt.

There's something to it. What if you wear the black one from the other day? The one I like so much?

She pulled a pout and looked at him a little sadly.

Unfortunately, it doesn't suit me at the moment. I would have liked to wear it for you otherwise.

Hey, that's okay. Maybe it's better that way, because otherwise I couldn't guarantee anything and there probably wouldn't be any food for us tonight.

Somewhere he always managed to make her laugh and lighten her mood.

But seriously, you look beautiful in that dress, as always, and the others won't notice that little mini bump, especially not when you're sitting at the table.

I know there probably isn't even a bump yet and I'm just getting too carried away again. I just don't want anyone to know yet, it's too early for that.

There is a little, tiny bit, but no one will know except you and me. Our little secret, I promise.

It was only fifteen minutes by car to the restaurant where they met their family. It was a cozy dinner together, the atmosphere was good, pleasant, no one seemed to have the slightest suspicion. Nevertheless, Bradley kept grabbing her hand from under the table to show his support. He had asked her often enough with his gaze whether she was still feeling well, which she had answered with a slight grin. He was so caring with her, which almost brought a few tears to her eyes. But before that could happen, she cupped his face and gave him a kiss on the lips. Her mother saw the cute gesture and just grinned to herself.
A few hours later, as Stefani and Bradley prepared to leave the restaurant, a crisp winter breeze welcomed them outside. Stef shivered involuntarily, wrapping her arms around herself as they walked towards the car.

You okay, Stef?

Yeah, just a bit cold.

She looked at him with a small smile, attempting to hide the shiver in her voice.
Without hesitation, Brad took off his jacket and gently draped it over her shoulders.

Here, this should keep you warm.

Stef looked up at him, touched by his gesture. Her hormones were going crazy at the moment anyway, which didn't exactly help the whole situation.

You're so sweet, B. I didn't realize it was this chilly.

Don't worry. It's the time of year to share warmth, isn't it? Especially with you, my darling.

He put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her a little closer to his body. As they drove home, Stef snuggled into his jacket, feeling the comforting embrace of both the coat and his caring gesture. The twinkling lights outside seemed to dance with an added warmth, creating a serene atmosphere in the car.

Thank you for the jacket, it smells so good!

Like what?

I don't know, like you.

Bradley smiled as he drove further along the road that led to their house. He put a hand on her leg, which she immediately held with hers.

Now let's get you warmed up properly, you're still cold.

Once they were home, they made themselves comfortable on the couch, wrapped in blankets, in the glow of the Christmas lights. Stefani couldn't help but reflect on the night, grateful for the love that enveloped her.

Tonight was perfect.

It was. And there will be many more perfect moments to come. Next year, when the little one is here.

Somehow unimaginable that this is the last Christmas only of the two of us.

He made her lean back so that he could stroke her hair.

Sounds exciting, huh?

His hands were on her stomach, where a small bump could already be clearly felt.

I can hardly wait!

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