Part 5

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Mickey's pov:

"Mickey..." Klas uttered, a radiant smile illuminating his face. He appeared more captivating than ever. My attention shifted to Klas's father, who approached me with evident confusion. Despite their guards, I easily overpowered them - their feeble attempts at resistance were futile.

"Who are you?" Klas's father inquired, his gaze shifting between Klas and me. I hesitated, torn between wanting to aid Klas and concealing my true self. Unready to disclose my feelings and uncertain of my affections, I avoided Klas's eyes, opting for a deflective response. "I'm the girl's boyfriend, and she's pregnant with my kid," I declared, avoiding eye contact. I sensed Klas's disapproval.

The girl, quick-witted, comprehended my intent, nodding in agreement as she ran and hugged my arm earning a jealous glare from Klas. Her parents erupted in outrage, while Klas's parents stood in shocked disbelief. In the midst of the chaos, the girl quietly expressed her gratitude before leaving with her upset parents, trailed by Klas's bewildered family.

Klas gently pulled me into his opulent, expansive room that dwarfed my entire house. His face was a mix of tears and anger, emotions stirred by the tumultuous events. Trying to assuage his distress, I explained that my staged act was a ploy to protect him. He seemed weary and vulnerable, a poignant sight that highlighted his undeniable beauty.

Moved by an unfamiliar sensation, I embraced him, holding him close in an attempt to comfort. "Mickey," he sobbed, his vulnerability exposing a side of him I hadn't seen before. Despite my usual lack of guilt or sadness, I found my heart breaking witnessing Klas in tears.

"I like you, Mickey," he confessed, laying bare his feelings. Unsure of my own emotions, I couldn't bring myself to utter a definitive response. I merely nodded, his tall frame towering over me, and the palpable rhythm of his racing heart resonated through our shared moment. However, the brief serenity was shattered by approaching footsteps outside the door.

klas's pov:

As soon as we overheard my father conversing with the approaching police officers, signaling potential trouble, I knew it was crucial for Mickey to escape undetected. Hastily, I guided him to the window, urging him to jump to safety. With a parting affirmation, "I like you too," Mickey leaped into the unknown, leaving my heart suspended in both fear and exhilaration.

Closing the window before my father and the officers entered, I feigned innocence, claiming ignorance about Mickey's whereabouts. The tension in the room lingered for what felt like an eternity until my father, visibly stressed, sat on the edge of my bed.

"Do you know the boy, son?" he inquired, and I denied any connection, attempting to quell further discussion. Unrelenting, my father assured me he would find another suitable match, but I resisted, asserting my identity. "Dad, I'm gay. I don't want to marry a girl, and even if you arrange a marriage with a boy, it's not what I want. I want to marry someone I truly love," I explained, but my father persisted, insisting I was bisexual and that marrying a girl was the preferable path.

After a heated exchange that spanned several minutes, my father conceded, retreating from the room. Eager for solace, I dialed Mickey's number, longing to hear the comfort in his voice once again but no reply.

The following morning, I visited Mickey's house, only to find Max in his place. As we sat in silence on the couch, my intention was to wait for Mickey and have a conversation with him. However, Max had a different agenda. He broached the topic by bringing up the kiss we shared days ago. Uncomfortable, I wished he would cease discussing it, but Max, being stubborn, persisted and even expressed a desire for more. He grabbed me, climbing on top of me. He was strong and I couldn't fight him. Max licked my cheek trailing down to my neck as he bit hard making me moan out loud.

As the door opened, I attempted to push Max away, but his strength prevailed, and he toppled onto me, unconscious. Mickey had swiftly intervened, delivering a punch that rendered Max incapacitated. A smile crept across my face as I prepared to reciprocate, but Mickey, visibly upset, pushed me away.

"I saved you, and you decided to have sex with my brother?" he shouted, accusation coloring his words. Stepping back, bewildered, I tried to explain, "No, Mickey, I wasn't- he was-" but Mickey cut me off. With a forceful grip, he dragged me outside, positioning me by the door. In a stern tone, he brandished his gun, declaring, "If you come again, I'll shoot you." With those words hanging in the air, he closed the door, leaving me on the ground.

Tears streamed down my face as I pleaded with Mickey to open the door, but my pleas fell on deaf ears. In that moment, the harsh reality hit me - I was deeply in love with someone who didn't reciprocate, someone who accused, punched, and cast me aside. The painful truth settled in, and I realized that my love had been misplaced, a futile investment of time and emotions.

Standing up with a heavy sigh, I made my way back to my car, driving in silence back home. As soon as I entered my room, the floodgates of emotion opened, and I cried. Nestling on my bed, I found solace in a plush I had acquired during my time in Japan. Strangely, it evoked memories of Mickey - a bitter reminder that everything around me seemed to be a poignant echo of him.

the plush:


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