Part 9

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Klas's pov:

It had been weeks since Mickey started working for my father as my bodyguard. I was overjoyed; our bond grew stronger each day. I often found reasons to go out, ensuring Mickey accompanied me. I yearned to spend every day with him. Since I confided in my mother about my feelings for Mickey, she playfully teased me. Sometimes, she'd wink when she noticed my cheeks turning red in Mickey's presence. She even concocted excuses for my father, urging him to let me go out with Mickey more frequently. My father, in turn, increased Mickey's salary to also serve as my personal driver, a proposal I readily accepted.

It was a hot day, so I decided to take a swim in the pool, and, of course, I brought Mickey along. He sat by the pool, watching me swim. "Mickey, join me!" I urged, but he shook his head. Pouting, I looked at him with puppy eyes, and he sighed, making his way towards me. "You can't win me with that," he explained. I raised my arms in the air. "Help me out," I pleaded, and he reached out his hands. Swiftly, I pulled him, causing him to fall into the pool. "fuck!" he yelled. "language" Mickey in his wet suit, with damp hair, presented a captivating scene for me. My mouth hung open as I admired him. He quickly emerged from the pool, sighing, and gazed down at me. I giggled innocently, confident that he would never be upset with me because he loved me. We decided to take a shower because Mickey confessed that he had discreetly peed in the pool yesterday when no one was looking.

After the shower, my hunger led me to the kitchen where I searched for a snack and settled on a clementine. Peeling the fruit, I took a piece before heading outside, waving at the chef. In the garage, I found Mickey, but he wasn't alone; he was with the gardener, Hailey. Intrigued, I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation discreetly. It started off as a normal exchange until Hailey began to flirt with Mickey, complimenting his looks and suggesting any girl would be lucky to have him as a boyfriend. Mickey laughed, and jealousy and frustration welled up in me. Unable to tolerate it any longer, I approached them, addressing Hailey with a raised eyebrow, questioning her lack of work. She mumbled an apology and walked away. Mickey chuckled, attempting to leave, but I halted him. I inquired about the flirting, to which he retorted, "Why do you care? We're not dating," and walked off. I was furious. Well, Mickey, get ready to feel jealous!

Mickey's pov:

It was dinner time, and I was in the living room until Anthony joined me. As he sat beside me, radiating happiness, he began expressing gratitude to me. Confused, I glanced at him, wondering what I had supposedly done. "You got Klas to find a girl," Anthony explained. Still confused, I nodded, forcing a smile without understanding the context. Despite my confusion, I accepted Anthony's dinner invitation with the family.

My bewilderment dissipated when I saw a young girl seated next to Klas. Suppressing the urge to burst into laughter, I understood Klas was attempting to make me jealous. Unfazed, I sat next to Klas, who strategically moved away from me and closer to the girl. I shook my head, trying to contain my laughter as we ate. Anthony joyously discussed his happiness and future plans for grandkids, a moment I found ironically amusing.

After dinner, I headed to my room, only to be pulled into another room by Klas. "I have a girlfriend, her name is Ivy" he declared, and I couldn't help but laugh. His attempt to make me jealous backfired when he revealed intimate details. Annoyed, I interrupted, instructing him to stop. "Why?" he asked. The admission slipped out, "because I love you," surprising both of us. I sighed, admitting uncertainty about whether it was love, but expressing discomfort with the idea of him being with someone else.

"I don't know if this is love, but if it is, yes, I hate that you're loving someone else," I confessed. Despite my aversion to sentimental declarations, the words spilled out. Klas, shocked and blushing, asked if it meant we were going to date. I shook my head, not ready for a relationship, and he responded by pushing me out and slamming the door.

Feeling frustrated with his reaction, I retreated to my room, deciding to rest after a long and eventful day.


klas's pov:

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klas's pov:

I was furious with Mickey after last night, unwilling to engage in conversation. Skipping breakfast to avoid him, I resolved to proceed with my plan to make him jealous. In the living room, where my mom played the piano, I mustered a smile, sitting beside her. With a heavy heart, I looked down, prompting my mom to embrace me. Tearfully, I shared, "Mickey confessed, but he doesn't want to date." Sympathetically, she cooed, expressing regret.

Consumed by my feelings for Mickey, I understood the value of our friendship, but the fear of losing him lingered if we didn't take that next step. Just then, Ivy entered, wearing a smile. She was privy to the situation, my trusted friend who agreed to play my pretend girlfriend to make Mickey jealous. Ivy, beautiful and kind, was someone I cherished as a friend, clarifying our platonic relationship. My father joined us, unaware of the ruse, smiling at the sight of Ivy and me together. Despite the deceit, I justified it temporarily, allowing him to believe Ivy was my girlfriend. Together, we sang while I played the piano.

Spotting Mickey entering and heading upstairs, I sensed his discomfort. Later, I excused myself, returning to my room to discover a bouquet of flowers with a tiny letter reading "Mickey." Despite his less-than-natural attempt at romance, I found it cute, appreciating his effort.

the flowers:

Mickey's pov:

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Mickey's pov:

Seated by the pool, I noticed Klas approaching with the bouquet I reluctantly bought for him. Though I wasn't keen on purchasing flowers, I knew he was upset about my rejection. "Mickey," he spoke, smiling and blushing, as he sat next to me. Hugging the flowers to his chest, he giggled and thanked me. I simply nodded, avoiding romantic expressions that made me uncomfortable. We shared a moment, and Anthony walked by, inquiring about the flowers. Klas, sweetly deceptive, replied, "I got this for Ivy." I chuckled, shaking my head at his endearing lie, and Anthony walked away, proud of his son's gesture.

Teasingly, I remarked, "You know how to lie now?" Klas blushed, looking away, but then he grabbed my hand and intertwining our fingers. Despite his height, his hands were smaller and much softer than mine. He gently rubbed his thumb against the back of my hand, smiling. "You're pretty," he said, and I returned the compliment, making him blush. Then, unexpectedly, he asked, "Do you like Hailey?" Without thinking, my head nodded-a reflex from a lifetime of deception. Klas frowned, letting go of my hand, standing up, and walking back into the house with the flowers. I wanted to chase after him, but with Anthony at home, I opted not to create a scene.

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