part 23

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Klas's pov:

Today marked the pinnacle of my college endeavors, a day anticipated for the unveiling and appreciation of all my hard work. Eagerly, I had persuaded my parents to bring Mickey along, a request they graciously accepted.

In the morning, I meticulously prepared for the occasion, donning a suit and ensuring I wore the finest cologne in my possession. Descending the stairs, I joined my parents for breakfast, the tantalizing aroma of blueberry French toast filling the air. Between mouthfuls of the delectable meal, my father inquired about Mickey's arrival, and I, absorbed in my breakfast, could only shrug in response.

A sudden sound of footsteps interrupted our conversation. "Oh, Mickey, come in, join us!" my father exclaimed, and as I looked up, there he was-Mickey, smiling, and locking eyes with me. Seated beside me, the maid swiftly arranged a setting for him, complete with plate, forks, and knife. "You should try the bacon, Mickey," I suggested, pointing to the plate adorned with crispy strips. In agreement, Mickey nodded and began savoring the breakfast before us.

I yearned to accompany Mickey to college, so my parents opted to travel together while Mickey took the wheel. En route, our hands found each other, and I traced the roughness of his hand with my thumb, realizing the absence of any moisturizer. His hands, unadorned by tattoos, stood out as a unique canvas.

"Are you excited?" he inquired, and I responded with an enthusiastic nod. "Will you win anything?" he pressed on, and though uncertain, I admitted, "Probably, I don't know," secretly hoping for success given the effort invested in my works.

Curiosity led me to ask about Natalie. "Good," he replied succinctly, and I nodded in understanding. My gaze, however, couldn't help but linger on the ring I had given him, now adorning his finger instead of his wedding band. Mickey's effortless allure, coupled with the intensity of his focus on the road, made my heart flutter.

As we continued, I couldn't ignore the subtle changes in Mickey's appearance. The responsibilities of caring for Natalie had taken a toll, and the lack of a job had contributed to a slight increase in his weight. Yet, he remained undeniably handsome, a sight that made my cheeks flush with admiration.

Upon arrival, Mickey and I stepped out of the car, waiting for my father to park before parting ways. As I joined the students backstage, a palpable mix of excitement and nerves filled the air. Despite the collective hope for Harvey's presence, now resting in peace thanks to Mickey, my own anxiety surfaced, manifesting in involuntary trembles.

Attempting to maintain composure, I battled stage fright, my mind haunted by the specter of worst-case scenarios. "It's time, boys and girls," my teacher announced cheerfully, prompting us to align ourselves according to our practiced order. The names echoed on stage, each student receiving gifts and their grades from the principal. With just three more people ahead, I struggled to calm my nerves amidst the watchful eyes of a sizable audience, including my parents and Mickey.

As the count dwindled to two and then one, beads of sweat formed on my forehead. Desperate for distraction, I focused on thoughts of Mickey, finding solace in his imagined presence. Finally, my name resounded, "Klasenbrook Landon Miller." Taking a deep breath, I approached the stage, exchanging smiles with the principal as he presented my grade and a gift.

Descending the stage, I scanned the crowd for my parents and spotted Mickey waving. Running towards them, I was enveloped in a proud hug from my father, a tangible testament to their joy in my accomplishment.

The moment arrived for the top three prizes, and my hopeful heart yearned to secure a spot among them. Despite acknowledging the exceptional works of my fellow students, I clung to the aspiration of at least claiming the third or second prize, resigning myself to the unlikelihood of the coveted first place. Seated between my parents, Mickey by my mother's side, I tightly held onto my mother's hand, anxiety building as we awaited the announcements.

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