Part 22

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Mickey's pov:

Approaching Willow's imminent due date meant spending the past few weeks tending to Natalie. Using my salary, I purchased her a single bed and new clothes to accommodate the expanding bump, rendering her unable to walk independently. My days were anchored at home, assisting her.

One morning, I ventured into the kitchen, grabbing two eggs and cracking them onto a pan. Amidst the sizzling, Natalie's shout echoed from her room. Rolling my eyes, I rushed over, aiding her descent down the stairs and settling her into a chair. With a hand on her baby bump, she inquired about breakfast.

"Eggs," I replied, my attention fixed on the cooking. "What eggs?" she probed, and I retorted, "I don't know, probably your mother's eggs," accompanied by a sarcastic eye roll. Plating the eggs, I placed them in front of Natalie, offering her a beer from the fridge.

"I can't drink beer, Mickey," she protested. "Don't drink," I insisted with a forced smile, opting for the beer myself. She noticed the unfamiliar ring on my finger and questioned, "What the fuck is that? That's not the ring I gave you!" I clarified, "Boyfriend's," displaying the ring Klas had gifted me. She chuckled, then inquired about the ring she had given me. I shrugged, and she rolled her eyes, visibly annoyed.

"Mickey, I need my phone. Can you fetch it for me from my room?" Natalie requested, prompting a sigh from me as I rose from the table and headed to her room. Navigating through the clutter of clothes on the floor, I grabbed her phone from the bed, switching it on. A messenger notification caught my eye, reading, "I love you, sweets!" Amused, I ran back to Natalie with a teasing question, "You cheated on me?"

Giggling, she shook her head while taking her phone. "No, we're not dating, so no," she explained, and I grinned widely. "Who's that?" I inquired, grabbing a fork and sampling the eggs I had prepared.

"Girlfriend," she grumbled, and I stared at her in shock. "You're gay?" I asked, my mouth still full of eggs. Natalie nodded, a smile playing on her lips. "You're gay, and I'm gay. How about we be friends?" she suggested, wiggling her brows, and I nodded happily, appreciating the unexpected turn of events.

I retreated to my room, a longing for Klas tugging at my thoughts. Retrieving my phone as I reclined on the bed.


Mickey: Get up (07:46)

Klas: I'm awake, Mickey (07:50)

Mickey: Good (07:52)

Klas: What do you want? (07:53)

Mickey: You (07:54)

Klas: 😑 Stop it, Mickey (07:55)

Mickey: Stop sending me emojis! (07:57)

Klas: Why not, Mickey? 🤔 (07:58)

Mickey: It's cringe, just stop (08:00)

Klas: How's Natalie? (08:02)

Mickey: Don't know (08:03)

Klas: Are you really ready to be a father, Mickey? (08:04)

Mickey: Maybe (08:05)

Klas: It's gonna be tough, you know? I watched a YouTube video, and it seems challenging for anyone (08:07)

Mickey: Read an hour ago

I was engrossed in a movie when a sudden knocking interrupted my evening. Sighing, I rose to answer the door, only to be taken aback by the unexpected presence of Anthony and Mary. Gesturing for them to enter, they settled in, and I took a seat across from them. "Sup?" I inquired.

"I need you back at work with me, Mickey," Anthony began. "Mary has been feeling unsafe since your resignation." Despite the financial need, I hesitated about rejoining them. "Alright, how about after Willow comes out? I need to take care of Natalie," I proposed. They both nodded in understanding.

At that moment, Natalie walked in and joined us. Anthony and Mary exchanged smiles with her, and the conversation shifted to pregnancy. As they delved into the topic, I found myself yearning for divine intervention to spare me from the mundane details. Fortunately, the discussion shifted, and Mary mentioned a house she wanted to purchase for me.

With a warm smile, she handed a house key to Natalie, who expressed her gratitude. "Thanks, Mary, for always being there to help us," I acknowledged, and she nodded in response.

Klas's pov:

I sat in my room, engrossed in a book, when the sound of my mother's voice echoed through the house. Jumping up from my bed, I hurried downstairs to find my parents had just returned. "Mum," I greeted, and she enveloped me in a warm hug, planting a kiss on my head.

Curiosity sparked, I inquired about their outing. "Mickey," my father responded, and I blushed as he mentioned Mickey. "For what?" I pressed, following my mother upstairs to her room. "To give the house key," she explained. Concern crept in as I wondered if Mickey would be alone with Natalie.

"Is he going to stay with Natalie alone?" I questioned, settling on my parents' bed as my mother removed her necklace and earrings. "Yeah, Natalie's his wife, dear," my mother reassured me. A pang of sadness hit, but my mother comforted me, suggesting I could visit him.

With a smile, I excused myself to my room and dialed Mickey's number on my phone. After a 10-minute wait, he answered. "Mickey!" I exclaimed. "Yeah?" he replied, slightly out of breath. Confusion clouded my expression. "What were you doing?" I asked. Silence hung in the air before he responded, "you know." Curiosity deepened, and I pressed on, "With who?" He paused before admitting, "My hand." Relief washed over me as I recognized the truth, and I couldn't help but smile.

That evening, I shared a quiet dinner with my parents when the doorbell's chime disrupted the tranquility. Rising from my seat, I opened the door to find Mickey standing there. Without hesitation, I rushed into his arms, wrapping myself around him as he embraced me. "I missed you, Mickey," I confessed, and he chuckled in response.

Curiosity sparked as I questioned the purpose of his visit. "Just wanted to show you something," he replied, a smile playing on his lips. My eyebrows lifted, and he revealed his forearm. A gasp escaped me as I saw my name tattooed on his front wrist, small and discreet amid his other ink. The significance struck me, and I couldn't help but smile, expressing my gratitude with another tight hug.

Reality intervened, and Mickey mentioned his departure. I pouted, offering to drive him home, but he declined. "I'll be fine, go in now," he insisted. Despite my reluctance, his gaze persuaded me otherwise. Hastily, I kissed him, savoring the moment, before reluctantly retreating indoors.


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