Part 13

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Klas's pov:

It was my birthday tomorrow, and I didn't feel like celebrating after the incident this morning. Mickey and I hadn't talked at all, and he ignored me, not even looking my way. Despite my mood, my parents were determined to make my birthday a grand affair. They rented a massive hall for the party, and my mother insisted on a formal dress code.

Surprisingly, Mickey didn't resign; he was still here working, which relieved me. My mother went all out, inviting our entire family and my friends. To my surprise, she even allowed Mickey to invite his friends, although I knew he didn't have any.

My mother had her own stylist, Emily, who would be taking care of me for the party. The next morning, I woke up, showered, and sat in my room while Emily worked her magic on my hair and selected outfits for me. She was a professional stylist, and I couldn't help but feel good about how I looked.


I arrived at the hall with my parents, and Mickey drove us

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I arrived at the hall with my parents, and Mickey drove us. We got there early, and I strolled around as unfamiliar faces filled the space-people my dad had paid to ensure the party was as lavish as possible. An hour later, the guests started pouring in, and the hall buzzed with lively chatter. Even my grandparents, who lived in France, had made the journey just for me. Overjoyed, I decided to sit with them.

The scene resembled a wedding event, with a long white carpet stretching from the main door to the end of the hall, where my four-tier cake stood. White round tables with chairs lined both sides, adorned with extravagant meals, expensive wines, and water. Every 15 minutes, waiters efficiently cleared used plates and replaced them with new menus.

My father called me, drawing me to the front where my cake awaited. All eyes were on me, but I couldn't help scanning the room for Mickey. A smile graced his face as our eyes met. This birthday felt like the best, solely because Mickey was a part of it. The crowd burst into a birthday song, and I closed my eyes, making a wish for my family's happiness and health. Secretly, I hoped for Mickey to be my partner, and I envisioned a forever with him. With a smile, I blew out the candles, the room erupting in applause.

While the crowd enjoyed the feast and celebrated, I found myself engrossed in conversation and laughter with my cousin. Glancing over, I spotted Mickey seated with Max beside him, the two of them standing out with their distinct dress code. I couldn't help but smile at their unique choice.

Curious, my cousins inquired about Mickey, expressing admiration for his handsome and manly demeanor.

Max and Mickey:

Max and Mickey:

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I chuckled witnessing Mickey becoming a favorite among the aunties

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I chuckled witnessing Mickey becoming a favorite among the aunties. Middle-aged women seemed to adore him, and I could sense his discomfort. Despite the lingering hurt from our fight yesterday, creating a noticeable gap between us, I found solace in his presence at my birthday celebration. I missed hearing his voice-not that I hadn't heard it, but I longed for the moments when he spoke directly to me, not just anyone.

Mickey's pov:

I sat there sipping water, chatting with Max when Anthony's amplified voice cut through the air. He announced that a microphone would circulate, and each table should nominate someone to wish Klas, the birthday boy, well. Anthony's disappointment flashed across his face as Klas's grandma, on another table, not only wished him happiness but also slyly hoped for a boyfriend to bring joy into his life.

The microphone journeyed, reaching Mary at a different table, who poured out her deep love for her son. Eventually, it made its way to our table, occupied by guards, Max, and me. Sensing Klas wanted me to volunteer, I reluctantly took the microphone, stood up, and faced him. A nervous glance and a scratch of my brow conveyed my anxiety, not from the crowd, but from Klas. I hesitated, took a deep breath, and mumbled something, the words escaping me in the presence of his expectant gaze.

"Ladies and, well, unsuspecting gentlemen, brace yourselves for a birthday celebration of Klas, a person I never imagined tolerating for more than a few minutes, let alone months. Yes, you heard it right - months. In the intricate dance of life, our paths collided, thrusting me into the chaotic orbit of a person I'd never choose voluntarily. Klas, your knack for turning my days into a series of eye-rolls and sarcastic remarks is, admittedly, unparalleled. So, as we reluctantly acknowledge this momentous occasion, let's toast to enduring your quirks, surviving your jokes, and begrudgingly admitting that, against all odds, you've become a tolerable companion. Happy birthday, you magnificent annoyance. May your day be as bearable as our friendship. Cheers to you."

I took a smoke break behind the hall as the party roared on. Inhaling the cancer stick, I exhaled a cloud of smoke, lost in my thoughts. "Hi," a voice startled me. I hadn't expected anyone, but there was Klas, smiling and happy. "What do you want?" I gruffly asked. "I loved the speech earlier," he said, and I just nodded. "Mickey..." he started, moving closer, tears in his eyes. Shocked, I pulled him into a hug. "What's the matter?" I asked. "I missed you, Mickey. I love you." This boy was changing me, showing me what love was. With him, I felt human, experiencing emotions I'd never felt before. I gently grabbed his head, making him look down at me. Our eyes met, the most beautiful I had ever seen. Clearing my throat, I brushed the tips of our noses together.

"Alright, fine. Look, don't make a big deal out of this, but... I care about you, okay? More than I probably should. It's annoying, and I hate admitting it, but there it is. So, um, I was thinking - and this is weird for me - but, uh, do you wanna be, like, my boyfriend or something? Don't get all mushy about it; it's just a suggestion." I spitted out.

He nodded excitedly, smiling showing his teeth. "yes, Mickey, yes I want to be your boyfriend " He giggled and I smiled kissing his forehead. "Just don't expect me to turn into some romantic idiot. Got it?" He nodded, still smiling, and I couldn't help but feel a strange warmth in the midst of my usual cool indifference. Love, or whatever this was, had found its way into the heart of someone who swore he'd never let it in.

Klas's pov:

We re-entered the venue, and I felt an unfamiliar lightness within me. Making my way to my grandparents, I shared the joyous news, and their warm congratulations echoed around me. My mom embraced me tightly as I spilled the same revelation to her. "I knew it, you guys are a match made in heaven," she declared, causing me to blush. Holding hands, we chatted about Mickey, watching him engaged in conversation with Max. He wasn't just my friend; he was my boyfriend. Mickey Ruslanov was officially mine.


"I love you Mickey"On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara