Part 26

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Klas's pov:

We anxiously waited at the hospital for Willow's arrival. Natalie was in the labor room, and a palpable sense of anticipation filled the air. I had called my parents, assuring their presence. Seated next to a visibly nervous Mickey, I embraced him, resting my head on his shoulder, offering comfort.

"It'll be okay, Mickey," I reassured him, eliciting a sigh. Overwhelmed by the impending fatherhood, he rose and began pacing the room. Observing him, I marveled at the transformation – my boyfriend, now on the cusp of becoming a father, radiated both nerves and determination. I couldn't help but feel immense pride in him.

Reaching out, I offered my hand, which he clasped tightly. "Mickey, I'm so proud of you," I declared, a genuine smile on my face. Returning the smile, he knelt in front of me, and our eyes locked. His captivating gaze, coupled with my unwavering love, created a moment of profound connection.

"Thanks," he replied, a smile playing on his lips. I giggled, leaning forward to share a tender kiss. As he gently tucked my hair behind my ear, his touch caressed my cheek, deepening the sense of intimacy in that significant moment.

I motioned for Mickey to sit next to me, and with a nervous demeanor, Mickey obliged. Scratching his brow, a clear sign of his unease, I sought to soothe him by patting his knee and rubbing it gently. His apprehension lessened as he took my hand in his, kissing my knuckles, evoking a warm smile. Leaning in, I pressed my lips against his.

Unexpectedly, my father's voice interrupted the tender moment, declaring, "I didn't know my son is dating someone." The revelation shocked both Mickey and me. I stood up, releasing Mickey's hand, and cast my gaze downward. "Come with me, dear," my mother urged, extending her hand. Glancing at Mickey, who nodded in affirmation, I took my mother's hand, and we left the two men alone in the room.

Anxiety gnawed at me as I worried about Mickey's encounter with my father. An hour later, upon returning, I rushed to see Mickey, relieved to find him wearing a reassuring smile. My father stood up, enveloping me in a hug and planting a kiss on my cheek. "I'm proud of you," he declared, expressing acceptance. Grateful, I thanked him for embracing our relationship.

Turning to Mickey, I inquired about the conversation. He smiled, assuring me, "Nothing. He simply made me promise to take good care of you." Happiness flooded me; my father had not only accepted our relationship but entrusted me into Mickey's care. With his approval secured, it seemed like nothing could hinder us—except, perhaps, the improbable return of Mickey's father.

Mickey's pov:

After enduring several more minutes of anticipation, a nurse emerged, inquiring, "May I know who's the father?" Nervously, I stood up, acknowledging her request. "Follow me, sir," she directed, and I nodded, glancing around at the supportive faces of Anthony, Mary, Max, Millie, and Klas.

Excusing myself, I trailed the nurse into the labor room, where I found Natalie in distress. Smiling at her, I felt a surge of uncertainty. The nurse advised, "You can comfort the wife," leaving me at a loss. Opting to soothe Natalie, I gently rubbed her head, attempting to alleviate her pain. My awkwardness, however, drew a skeptical gaze from the doctor. Irritated, I retorted, "What the fuck are you looking at?"

"Hope you're being a good father for this kid," he sarcastically remarked. Unfazed, I quipped, "sure, but remember this will be your last time cus I'm fucking sure I would stab your neck with this scalpel after this!" raising my brows, much to Natalie's chagrin. "Not now, Mickey, I'm in pain," she groaned, gripping my hand tightly. "A little more to go," the nurse announced, prompting me to grumble, "Make it less then," earning surprised looks from the other nurses.

Finally, the room echoed with the sound of Willow crying, and I witnessed the doctor cradling her in his arms. Something indescribable stirred in my heart—akin to happiness. The nurse took Willow momentarily, returning with her wrapped in a hooded towel. Cheerfully, she approached me, asking, "Are you ready, Daddy?" I nodded, accepting Willow into my arms. Though she had stopped crying, she squirmed as I cooed, "Oh, fuck, Willow, fuck, you're so beautiful, my little angel." Natalie, smiling weakly, received Willow, and they cuddled together.

I waited outside as the nurses transferred Willow and Natalie back to the normal ward. Stepping out, Klas rushed up to me, embracing me tightly. "How was it?" he inquired, a joyful smile on his face. "She's beautiful," I replied, my own smile widening as Klas kissed me. Hand in hand, we approached the others, and I recounted the experience, tactfully omitting the part where I had clashed with the doctor.

Mary hugged me, radiating pride, while Millie, upon hearing the news, embraced me as well. Assured that Natalie and Willow were doing fine, the nurse informed us we could visit them. Rushing to their ward, we were greeted by smiles as Millie ran to hug her girlfriend, and Anthony, Mary, and Max greeted Willow. Holding Klas's hand, I observed the heartwarming scene.

"She's beautiful, indeed," Klas remarked, and I smiled. "Like you, and like Natalie," he added, prompting me to hug him. "Wanna hold her?" I asked, and he nodded eagerly. Calling the nurse, she instructed Klas to remove his shirt for warmth before holding Willow. Shirtless on a sofa, Klas cradled Willow in his arms, cooing, "Oh, so gorgeous," eliciting a smile from me. "Mickey, look," he exclaimed, his joy evident. I kissed his head, whispering, "I love you," and he beamed with happiness.

Klas's pov:

We reveled in the joy of Willow's birth. Making my way to Natalie, I gently kissed her head, and she responded with a warm smile. "She's beautiful," I remarked, and Natalie nodded enthusiastically. As we basked in the happiness, Millie, seated next to Natalie's bed, inquired, "Where's Mickey?" A quick scan revealed Mickey's absence. I excused myself and stepped out, determined to find him.

Outside, I spotted him indulging in a cigarette. "Mickey," I called, and he looked my way, a smile playing on his lips. "Hey, honey," he greeted, wrapping an arm around my waist while holding a cigarette with his free hand. Curious about his feelings after Willow's arrival, I asked, "How do you feel after Willow?" He blew out smoke, replying, "Better than ever, I feel complete." I giggled, envisioning the future. "I can't wait for Willow to grow up, so we can play with her and take her shopping," I shared.

Mickey chuckled, cautioning, "You're not spoiling her." My brow furrowed. "Why not?" I questioned. "Because that's bad parenting," he explained, and I nodded, conceding to the wisdom of balanced upbringing.


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