Part 24

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Klas's pov:

Today, Mickey called to see if I wanted to join him in moving to his new house, and naturally, I agreed. Heading to the kitchen where my parents were having breakfast, my father invited me to join, but I declined, mentioning that I would be having breakfast outside with Mickey. My father nodded in understanding. Sometimes, I wondered if he knew about Mickey and me, but if he did, he chose not to address it, or perhaps I was simply reading too much into it. I bid my parents goodbye, and my mother playfully winked at me, signaling to have fun.

Outside, Mickey was waiting for me in his car. "Hi, Mickey," I greeted with a smile, and he responded in kind. "Where do you want to eat?" he asked. "I'm craving pepperoni pizza," I confessed, and he frowned. "the fuck? pizza for breakfast?" he questioned, and I cheekily nodded. He sighed and drove us to the pizzeria.

Walking out hand in hand, we found a booth and took our seats. The waiter approached, and as I perused the menu, I ordered a medium-sized pepperoni and sausage pizza along with a glass of water, as we decided to share. When Mickey requested beer, the waiter hesitated, and Mickey, with an assertive tone, insisted on it for breakfast. "yes, beer, for breakfast and that's more normal than having pizza for breakfast, look at all these people eating pizzas" His loud insistence drew attention, and people stared, murmuring around us. Trying to defuse the situation, I smiled apologetically.

"We don't have beer, sir," the waiter said, visibly intimidated. Mickey looked at me, upset, pointing at the waiter in disbelief. I simply asked the waiter for one more glass of water, trying to keep the atmosphere light.

I settled the bill for our meal, and Mickey took the wheel, driving us to the new house. Upon arrival, we spotted Natalie and Millie already busy unpacking. Surprised, I asked Mickey if Millie would be staying too, to which he nodded, saying, "Can't fucking pry apart a duo that's joined at the hip." Chuckling at his remark, Mickey headed for the boxes containing his belongings, claiming the main room as he went upstairs, his voice echoing that he was serious.

Eager to assist, I grabbed a box, but it proved too heavy. Opening it, I discovered it was filled with dumbbells-classic Mickey. As I searched for a lighter box, a car pulled up, and Max emerged. "Hey, Klas," he greeted, and I returned the smile. Inquiring if he planned to help, he looked at me, puzzled. "I'm not living with that old cunt when my brother got a new house for me," he declared, smirking, and I couldn't help but giggle. Max joined me, asking what I was up to, and I explained my bewilderment over Mickey's choice of putting dumbbells in a cardboard box. Amused, Max laughed, resting his arm on my shoulder, and we continued to discuss Mickey's amusing quirks.

"He's fucking taken, go fuck someone else," Mickey spoke, appearing outside to grab another box. Max laughed, responding, "I know he is, Mick," and joined Mickey in carrying boxes upstairs. Their camaraderie made me giggle. Mickey approached me, gently grabbing my head and stating, "My boyfriend, I'd kill anyone for you. I mean, I already did, but obviously, I'm not scared to do it again." I blushed at his words. "Go find something to do, don't just fucking stand there" he added before heading upstairs with more boxes.

Deciding to engage with Natalie, I found her in the living room, seated due to her baby bump preventing her from assisting with the boxes. Sitting next to her, she smiled and offered, "Wanna touch?" I eagerly nodded and gently laid my hand on her baby bump. "Wait, you'll feel Willow kicking," she said, and as I waited, I gasped at the sensation of a kick. Natalie giggled at my reaction. "No way, she's growing!" I exclaimed. "She's like her dad, aggressive," Natalie playfully winked, and I laughed.

"I know she'll be pretty like you and handsome like Mickey," I remarked, and she smiled. Then, unexpectedly, she asked, "Would you like to be her stepfather?" Shocked but overjoyed, I happily nodded. I couldn't wait for Willow to be born.

We discussed Willow, and Millie joined us, standing behind Natalie and sweetly kissing her girlfriend's head. They radiated a delightful cuteness. Honestly, my initial encounter with Natalie triggered dislike; I believed she was mean, aiming to take Mickey away from me. Contrary to my assumption, she turned out to be a kind, beautiful lady. I was thrilled that she found a partner in Millie, who shared the same kindness and beauty.

Curious about my plans with Mickey, Millie asked, and I shrugged, admitting, "Maybe we're gonna have to settle down first." The topic left me uncertain, as Mickey and I hadn't broached that conversation yet. Millie then inquired about why I liked Mickey, causing me to blush. "Because, well, he's a nice guy..." I trailed off, prompting laughter from both of them. "Nice guy he is," Millie sarcastically remarked. Despite Mickey's outward rudeness, I sensed a caring nature deep inside him.

Our conversation abruptly halted as Mickey's voice echoed, indicating another dispute. "Here we go again," I sighed, rushing outside to find Mickey engaged in an argument with the neighbor. The man accused Mickey of having real guns in his box, escalating tensions. Mickey, visibly upset, retorted, "Oh yeah, I can't wait to use these guns to shoot you and your ugly ass wife, and your dumb retarded twins." Acting swiftly, I ran over, grabbing Mickey by the arm and pulling him back.

"I'm sorry, sir. I promise he's just joking," I said with a smile, but the man remained unappreciative, labeling me a "cunt". Mickey was upset with that and I couldn't prevent Mickey from retaliating. He ran over, delivering a punch to the man's nose, causing him to fall. Panicking, I called out to Mickey, pulling him back, and apologized profusely as the man's wife ushered him back inside their house.

I pulled Mickey inside the house, a frown on my face. "Mickey, you better behave. This is a new neighborhood where Willow will be growing up. You don't want people to hate her just because of her dad," I said, and Mickey rolled his eyes. "Honey, some people clearly haven't seen the fucking truth. Well, I'm here to show them the shitty reality," he spat, scratching his brow to indicate his frustration. Max approached, asking, "What's going on?" Millie replied, "Mickey's upset." "Do you need help killing someone?" Max inquired, and I frowned at him. "No one's helping no one," I asserted, going over to Mickey and hugging him, rubbing his chest. "I know you don't like it, but you'll have to live with it," I said, and he nodded.

Mickey's pov:

It was evening, and we decided to buy food to eat together. Klas had to ask for Anthony's permission to stay overnight. I found him on the phone, talking with Anthony. I walked over, wrapping my arm around his waist, and he smiled, thanking Anthony and hanging up.

"He said yes as long as I get home by tomorrow morning," Klas said, smiling, and I nodded. "Can't you just fucking live here with me?" I asked, and he shook his head. "You know I can't, right?" he said, kissing my lips gently, and we hugged. We joined Natalie and Millie inside, watching a scary movie as they cuddled together. I sat on the couch, and Klas settled on my lap to watch the movie.

After a few minutes, Max arrived with our dinner. Natalie got up to help Max set up the food on the dining table, leaving Klas, Millie, and me. "When are you divorcing Natalie?" Millie asked, smiling, which made me chuckle. "Soon," I replied, and Klas grabbed my head, asking, "Why's that?" I laughed and said, "Soon," kissing his lips. Max interrupted our moment, announcing, "Okay, lovebirds, dinner's ready." I groaned, and Klas sat up, walking hand in hand with Millie. I joined them, sitting next to Klas, and we ate while discussing various topics.

After dinner, Klas was already feeling sleepy, so he went to my room early. Sharing my single bed, he commented, "Mickey, it's cramped," making me burst into laughter. "Just sleep," I replied, and he sighed while rolling his eyes. He climbed on top of me, resting his head on the crook of my neck. Within an hour, he was already snoring loudly. It seemed like I wouldn't get a peaceful night's sleep.


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