part 1

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After everyone took their seats, the ,,Hunger Games" subtitle appeared on the screen.

Potter Manor october 31

On the screen, the Potter couple appears, tucking in their two children, then quitely, leaving the room and closing the door.

People sadly watch the screen as the Potter girl disappears this evening.

It's late at night when a figure in black enters the children's room. Looking at the two sleeping toddlers, he draw their wand and softly whisper the words ,,Oblivalte". He watched the children for a few minutes, then picked up the little girl, spun around, and vanished into the darkness.

The Potter family and their friends tearfully watched as their daughter was taken away. While Amara tightly held the hands of she soulmates. The others looked at she with sympathy.

The man appears with the child in his arms in front of a modest house, then places the child on the doorstep. He turns around, looks into the camera, revealing himfelf as Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Dumbledore watches the screen in horror. James noticing this, asks, "Dumbledore, who is the man?" he responds with a sigh "he is Voldemort". Due to these words, people look at each other in fear, Lily quietly weeps, while newcoomers don't understand why everyone is so frightened.

After a moment of silence, the following words appered on te screen: From the Trearty of Treason, In penance for their uprising, each district shall offer up a male and female between the ages of 12 and 18 at a public "Reaping". These tributes shall be decivered to the custody of the Capitol, and then tranferred to a public arena where they will fight to the death until a lone victor remains. Henceforth and forevermore, this pageant shall be a known as The Hunger Games.

Reading this, a silent hush fell. Wizzards and witches looked at each other in fear. Mothers clutched their children in terror. Lily with a quieted sob, looked at the girl and asked "Were you chosen to?" Amara didn't respond, didn't even look at her, just held the hands of she soulmates with teary eyes.

Capitol, Ceasar Flikerman interview

Sena Crane: I think it's our tradition. It comes out of particulary painful part of or history!

Ceaser: yes, yes..

Sena: But it's been a way we've been albe to heal. At first it was a reminder of the rebellion it was the price the districts had to pay. But i think it has a grown from that. It's something that knits us all together.

Ceaser: This is your third year as gamemaker. What defines your personal signature?

Sirius: Merlin, these are crazy.. he wishpered.

The scene changes, showing the discrict 12

Primrose Everdeen: No, No, no it's me. - she screamed. Amara and Katniss hug her.

Amara Everdeen: It's okay, shh, it's okay..

Katniss Everdeen: You're dreaming.

Prim: It was me.

Amara: I know, but it's not. It's your first year.

Katniss: Prim, your name's only been there once. They're not going to pick you.

Amara: Try to go sleep.

Prim: I can't.

Amara: just try, just try. - she whispered and gently stroked their head.

Molly: Poor little girl. Molly looked at her sadly. "you are good siblings" Hermione said to the two girls, who looked back at her with a small greatful smile.

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