Part 9

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Training center

The next day, the tributes continue their training, and the camera showcases the workouts of some of them.

Cato from district two stands among three dummy targets with a sword in hand. Suddenly, he swiftly cuts off the arm of one, beheads another, and stabs his sworf into the chest of the third. Amara watches is astonishment, trying to identify the weakness and vulnerabilities.

He's really good. - Harry mutters in astonishment.

Later, they showcase Marvel from District One, who hurls a spear into the chest of a human target. Next, Glimmer, also from District One, is seen shooting an arrow at a target with a bow. They despict Amara crafting the abilites and weaknesses of all the tributes.

Wise to observe their strengths. - Beeta remarks approvingly, elicting nods of agreement from the Aurors.

The camera then focuses on Clove from District Two, flawlessly hitting eah target at the knife station.

How can they be so skilled? Ginny asks. "Those from District One and Two have been tarining for the Games since childhood." Enobaria replies. "Isn't that against the rules?" Lily inquires. "Yes, but they are closest to the Capitol, so they turn a blind eye." Finnick responds sadly.

The camera then shows Peeta attempting to climb a shaky rope bridge, slipping from his grip and falling. The careers laugh with crossed arms, as Amara rushes worriedly to his side.

That most have hurt for sure. - George comments jokingly, attempting to lighten the mood. "And they just laugh?" - an infuriated James asks.

Amara: Are you okay? - she asks, concerned.

Peeta: I'm doing we. - trying to reassure.

Amara: My love, toss awey that metal ball.

Peeta: No, Haymitch sajd not to reveal our strenghts. - he says, glancing at the fifty- kilogram metal ball, then at the sponsors.

Amara: I don't care what he said, they're eyeing you like a piece of meat. Toss it away! - she stand up and walks away.

Haymitch: There yo go, the answer to why you're my must stubborn mentee. - he points towards the screen, eliciting laughter from many.

Peeta stands up, glances at the group of carieers, then walks towards the metal ball, picking up. The careers still look at him as if it's a joke. Peeta takes a deep breath and tosses the ball with one hand, knocking the bows off their stands.

That was so hot! - Finnick whispers in Peeta's ear, earing a nod from Amara. Peeta blushes at the compliment. Meanwhile, Ginny talks with Hermione. "I think I'm in love with them." Ginny sighs, To wich Hermione just laughs.

The Career tributes stare in astonishment at Peeta. Glimmer takes a step back. Then, Cato speaks up, "Not bad", he says to the others.

Everyone resumes their training, Later, the camera focuses on Peeta, who is painting tree bark on his hands at the camouflage station.

Amara: Hey.

Peeta: hey.

Amara: It's still incredible to me that you paint such things, it's so beautful.

Peeta: Do you remember when I told you I used to decorate bread at the bakery? Well, it seems to come in handy now. - he says, smiling. He pulls her next to a tree and shows her how his hand seamlessly blends into the bark.

Wow, this is marvelous! - Luna says dreamily.

Amara: I'm so proud of you! - she hugs Peeta. Peeta looks up from the hug when he senes someone watching them.

Peeta: Hey, I think you've got a shadow.

Amara turns around, spotting Rue partially hiding behind a column. She gives him a faint smile and then turns back to Peeta, smiling.

It's so sweet!

District 12 residential suite - dinning room

The whole team sits at the table, having lunch while Haymitch explains what might happen tomorrow during the scooring.

Haymitch: Tomorrow, they'll evalutace each of you individually. It's crucial because high scores mean sponsors. It's time to show them what you're capable of. - Haymitch says, emphasizing the importance of the upcoming evalutions.

This is really crucial, isn't it? Remus asks. All the victors nod in agreement.

He looks at Amara.

Haymitch: There will be a bow there, I recommend you use it. - He looks at Peeta.

Haymitch: Peeta, show them how strang you are. They're going district by district, so you'll be the last. I don't know how to put this, But it's good if they remember you.

Training center

All the tributes sit, waiting for their turn, and the numbers are dwinling. Amara nervously taps her foot, and Peeta gently places his hand on it to reassure her.

Annoucer: Amara Everdeen, District 12.

Amara stands up nervously and walks towards the door, but stops upon hearing Peeta's voice.

Peeta: Good luck!

Amara smiles at her, and walks into the room. The doors close behind her. She moves futher into the room and immediately notices the bows. She runs her hand along one, then picks up. She looks up at the sponsors and the Gamemaker, who are busy eating, laughing, and chatting, paying no attention to her.

Amara: Amara Everdeen, District 12.

Very few turn around to look at her.

Why do they have to this if they're not even paying attention to them? - James asks agrily. "They are paying attention, It's just that District Twelve usually isn't interesting to them" Haymitch replies. Johanna whispers to Enobaria. "We'll finally find out what she did for those 11 points" and both turn their attention to the screen with curiosity.

Amara walks to the archer station, takes her position, adjusts her arm, takes a deep breath, and releases the arrow. Immediately, she sees that she missed the target.

What? Did I see that right? Did you miss the shot? - a suprised Katniss asks. Amara just leans into Peeta and Finnick, avoiding the astonished gazes.

The sponsors who were watching her start laughing.

That's really cruel of them. Molly says, shaking her head.

Amara goes for a new arrow, then walks back to the station, takes her position, aims, and shoots. This time, she hits the target right in the chest. Amara turns around and sees only a couple of sponsors looking at her approvingly. Then she notices the everyone else is chatting around a roasted pig (with an apple in its mouth). Amara suddenly becomes angry and walks toward a nwe arrow.

Oh, Merlin, What is she planning to do? Lily asks worriedly. Homever, the former victors watch with curiosity, eager to find out what earned her 11 points.

Amara aims at the sponsors, shoots, and the arrow pins the apple straight into the wall. Silence falls as everyone turns toward her in astonishment.

Laughter erupts immediately in the Great hall. "Oh my God, now I know why we're best friends" Johanna says, laughing. "Yes, that's my goddaughter" Sirius exclaims, jumping to his feet.

Amara mockingly bows.

Amara: Thank you, for your consideration. - she sets down the bow and walks out of the room.

Did you really just say that to them? Finnick asks, laughing. "They really got on my nerves" Amara shrugs.

----- I hope you enjoyed today's part! If you did, don't forget to comment and vote!😍😍

Sending kisses to everyone! And stay tuned for the next part tomorrow!❤️❤️❤️

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