Part 19

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Amara gently lays Rue in her lap, pulling apart her coat, only to notice the gaping, beending wound on Rue's chest. Rue looks at her with teary eyes.

Amara: It's okay, you'll be fine. Everything will be alright.

Will she survive? - Harry asks Hermione, who, wiith teary eyes, shakes her head.

Rue: Did you detonated the packages? - she asks, breathing heavily.

Amara: Torn into tiny pieces. - he says, crying.

Rue: Alright... you have to win. - she says, looking up at Ammara, who gazes at Marvel's lifeless body before turning back to Rue.

Oh God, she can still encourage. - Lily says, crying. In the Great Hall, eyeryone watches the screen with teary eyes. Meanwhile, Amara tightly grips her soulmates hands, starting straight at the screen.

Rue: Can you sing? - she asks with teary eyes.

Amara: Of course. - she says, shattered.

Rue looks skyward, observing the trees and the sky, while Amara begins to sing.

(Imagine the song, I couldn't find the lyrics.)

Rue's vision starts to whiten until it turns completely white. Amara stops singing, tears in her eyes, gently closes Rue's eyes. Amara kisses Rue's forehead, looks around, and begins to sob.

I can't even imagine what you must have felt then. - Harry says sadly, looking at Amara. Amara just looks at him and nods, still clinging tightly to Finnick while holding Peeta's hand. The other victors all gaze sadly at Amara.

Amara rises from the ground and starts gathering flowers, carefully placing them around Rue. She then puts a single stem in Rue's hand and kisses her forehead tenderly.

This was a beautiful gesture from you, creating a lovely place for her. - Molly said with tears in her eyes. "Actually, during the Games, as far as I know, no one ever took the time to mourn someone so beatifully." Haymitch remarks. Several others gently smile at Amara in response.

Amara slowly stands up, walks away, but pauses mid-stride, turning back towards the camera.

Uh-oh. Is she about to do something foolish, right? - Sirius asks excitedly. The victors just smile, knowing that in this moment, rebellion is brewing.

The camera switches to District Eleven, where on a gigant screen, they watch Amara kissing three fingers and raising her hand into the air. Everyone in the district does the same, showing hundreds of raised hands in the air.

That's so touching. - Ginny says with tears. "Yes, it is moving, but what does it mean? It seems to hold a lot of significance for people." Remus inquires curiously. "It's a simbol of farewell, hope, and rebellion, a source of hope for people." Katniss explains carefully. "Rebellion?" Lily asks anxiously, not wanting her daughter involved in anything dangerous. "Yes, we know we can't say much about what lies ahead, but Amara sparked the rebellion at this moment, giving people hope." Haymich states. "Is Amara actively leading the rebellion?" James asks. "Amara isn't just a leader-like figure, she is the symbol of the entire rebellion. Without her, people wouldn't go through with it. She's the hope for everyone." Finnick explains affectinately. "But isn't this dangerous?" Lily questions. "Being a leader is always risky, but if anyone can change things in Panem, it's Amara." Enobaria responds. Everyone falls silent, contemplating. President Snow just rolls his eyes and clenches his fist. "Now we know we come from different time, as others speak of the rebellion as if it's in the future." Peeta says quietly, prompting nods from Finnick and Amara.

In the crowd, Rue's father lowers his hand, turns, and rushes towards the Peacekeepers, starting to strike them. Quickly, people join him. Chaos erupts in District eleven as they overturn food supplies, barrels, and attackk the Peacekeepers. Two men restrain a Peacekeeper while others beat them, causing destruction in the offices. Some men overturn containers, while others start setting everything on fire. The screen is also overturned, and the entire district is in chaos and flames, papers scattering everywhere. A masive unit of Peacekeepers arrives, attacking the resisting crowd. Water cannons are deployed, causing people to scatter. The screen then turns white.

Oh, this is quite intense. - McGonagall remarks. "Well, Amara has the ability to bring this out in people. Rue's death set off a lot." Johanna says.

Game Control Room

Secena rushes nervously into the room, starting at the screen.

It seems he doesn't really like you. - Ginny says, laughing. "In the Capitol, no one really likes me" Amara retorts sarcastically.


Amara leans against a tree, crying, as she tries to wipe Rue's blood from her hands.

Oh, my Merlin, it looks like she's starting to lose it. Peeta should get to her now to comfort her. - James says worriedly, pulling Lily close to him.

The Capitol corridor

Haymitch: Dont't kill her, you're already turning her into a martyr.

Secena: It seems she has become a martyr already.

Damm it! - Sirius shouts at the screen, prompting laughter from Haymitch.

Haymitch: I heard about the uprising in District Eleven. The situation could worsen. - he explains, gesturing fervently with his hand.

Secena: What do you want from me?

Uh that came out quite ambiguous. - George laughs.

Haymitch: People are getting angrier, I know you understand their language, you've proven that. If you can't intimidate them, give them something to belive in.

Beetee: Haymitch is playing her well. - Many nod in agreement.

Secena: For example?

Haymitch: A romance. - He suggests, as Secena looks at him thoughtfully.

Oh, I see what he's doing. - Lily says excitedly.


President Snow tends to his roses with Secena standing behind him.

President Snow: Are you rooting for the underdogs?

What underdogs? Amara has been doing very well so far. . James shouts at President Snow, who just looks at him but doesn't respond.

Secena: Everyone is rooting for her.

President Snow: I haven't. Have you ever been to District Tren, Eleven, or Twelve? - he asks, while Secena looks at him nervously.

Secena: Not personally.

President Snow: Well, I have been there. There are many losers, and of course, coal. They cultivate the land, mine, and mostly the hopless live there. If you knew them personally, you wouldn't root for them either. I like you, be careful. - He says and walks away.

Wow, this seems like a personal issue. It looks like someone really broke your heart, and you're projecting it onto Amara because she reminds you of them. - Johanna says mockingly, to which the resident just glares angrily. "Johanna has no idea how true her words are." Amara whispers quietly to the boys.


Amara sits against a tree, holding a bow in her hand, with an empty expression on her face.

Announcer: Attention tributes! Attention! - Amara looks up, intrigued.

Announcer: The rule stating only one victor has been suspennded. From now on, we well have two victors, provided they come from the same district. No further announcements.

Yes, so both of you can live, right? - Harry asks. "Yes" Amara replies. "Not that it was that simple" Peeta adds quietly and bitterly.

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