Part 7

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Tribute Parade

The stylists ate trying to give adive while standing next to horse-drawn carriages.

Cienna: Don't worry, the fire is completely safe, you won't feel anything from it.

Peeta: it seems lifelike.

Cienna: That's the essence of it. - Turns to Amara.

Cienna: Can we go? Don't be afraid.

Amara: I'm not afraid.

Do you want to bake them? Lily sks, frightened. Cienna responds with a laugh, "No, of course not, the fire is completely safe." Lily continues to look at her uncertainly.

The screen displays the stadium where thousands of brightly dressed people eagerly await the start. At the top of the podium, in the center, sits President Snow. (surrounded by sponsors and important figures)

Host's box

Caesar: More than hundred thousand people eagerly await to see this year's chosen ones. The supporters are also seeing them for the first time. The significance of this moment is extraordinary.

The game control room

Secena: Great!

Am i the only one who thinks he's handsome? Ginny asks Hermione quietly. "I think he looks good too" Hermione replies.

Secena: The first tank is departing.

Secena: 15



Tribute parade

As the tanks start moving, the crowd begins to scream.

Caesar: They're coming, They're coming.

Another annoucer: This year's chosen ones.

The camera shows the tributes from District 1, Marvel and Glimmer, who wave and smile. The tributes from District 2, Cato and Clove, both dressed in shiny gold armor, also wawe.

Like in a cricus.. - whispers Sirius.

Ceasar: This is the most exciting part!

Another annoucer: Yes, i have goosebumps.

They are showing District 5.

Caesar: Isn't it fantastic that the stylists can expresss the characteristics off different districts solely through clothing?

Showing tanks of other tributes.

Another Accouner: There's fourth district.

The camera shows the crowd, then focuses on Haymitch sitting among them.

Caesar: Yes, the fishing.

The camera shows a woman sing a magnifying glass to observe the tributes.

Caesar: Those are the power plant workers. after them.. - he stops mid-sentence when he sees something flashing in the background.

Caesar: What is that in the backround?

What'ss there? the Weasley twins ask excitendly. Amara simply points to the screen, signaling them to pay attention

The screen shows President Snow, who sits up straighter in his seat, his narrowed eyes focesed on the tributes.

The screen showcases Amara's brown eyes, then slowly revaels Amara and Peeta's flaming outfits.

In the great hall. they watch them on the screen with dropped jaws, and phrases like: I'm in love, i adore them, hot, are heard.

The audience shouts and applauds for them louder than for any other district, throwing roses their way.

Amara and Peeta lock eyes, then grasp each other'S hands and lift them high. The crowd, already on their feet, erupts into applause.

Ceasar: Do you see this? I love it. Two young hands held together, suggesting, I'm proud to be from District 12, pay attention to me! I love it! - he says, laughing.

"Well, they're everything but proud" Haymich scoffs. Sirius, sitting nearby, looks at him and moves to sit next him, saying, "I've got your back, mate". Haymitch takes a small bottle of alcohol from his pocket and hands it to Sirius. James looks at them betrayed.

Ceasar: Certainly, at this point, everyone is sure to turn heads.

the Game conrol room

Secena: And we're ready, - he says, then speaks through his earpiece.

Secena: President Snow, you're up next.

The podium

The camera shows President Snow, who hears through the earpiece that he's next. He slowly stands from his seat, steps one the small stage, and wawes as each tribute's tank stops in front of him: And he waits a moment before he begins to speak.

President Snow: Welcome, Welcome. Tributes, we welcome you. We salute the courage. - he looks at Amara, who defiantly stares back at him.

Incredible how he's hated from the very beginning. - Johanna laughs.

President Snow: We hereby wish you a happy Hunger Games, and may hope never leave you! - He desclares.

Afterward, the camera shows the audience going wild, cheering and appllauding. Then, the tanks depart. Cienna and the other stylist, along with Effie and Haymitch, quickly rush over to Amara and Peeta.

Cienna: It was fantasitic!

Effie: Everyone will be talkng about us. - she says excitedly.

Haymitch: That was a brave thing!

Amara: Aren't you afraid of being near an open flame?

Haymitch: Not real, aren't you afreid that... - he doesn't finish the sentence as he looks behind Amara. Amara turns around and sees the tributes from district 2 glaring at her with murderous intent.

Haymitch: Let's go, um, let's head up insstead.

IT's so adorable, this relationship beetween you two, like you're sucking each other's blood, but at the same time protencting each other. - Lily says while looking at Amara and Haymitch.

Effie quickly starts pushing them toward the elevator, but Amara shoots one more quick glance at Cato.

Oh, you have no idea how much complaining I had to endure from Cato about you stealing the spotlight. - Enobaria says irritably, to wich Amara just laughs.

Amara and the others walk to the elevator, and once inside, Efie speak up.

Effie: Each district has its own floor. Since you're from the twelfth, your suite is on the top floor.

After exiting the elevator, Effie speaks again, "Come on!" she says, leading Amara and Peeta. They look around in awe at their huge and luxurious suite.

Effie: This is the living room. The bedrooms are over there. Go and change. - Effie points to a few doors.

Wow this is beautifull!R a voice echoes in the Great hall.

Afterwald, Amara walks into her room, glancing around awkwardly. She smooths the bedding, picks up the remote, changes the background to a forest image, shakes her head, and turns it off. Soon, she changes into different clothes and lies down on her bed. Just as she is about to fall asleep, she hears the door open and sees Peeta entering. He walks over to the bed, lies down beside Amara, and pulls her close. Within minutes, both of them drift off to sleep, knowing they have a challenging day of training ahead tomorrow.

I love their relationship so much! Hermione exclaims with love in her eyes. Others look at them with empathetic understanding, realizing how challenging it must be for them.

---- I know it's a very short part, but I didn't want to split the training into two parts! I'll post that tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed this part anyway! If you did, don'T forget to comment and like!❤️❤️❤️

Good night, everyone! And I love you all.💕💕

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