Part 15

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The next morning, Amara sets out in the forest, seeking a new refuge, walking for hours.

Game Control Room

Man: Sir.

Secena walks up to the railing and looks at it with curiousity.

Man: She's about to reach the border, just two kilometers away from the others.

They watch on the screen as Amara walks along the edge of the rocky area.

Secena: Let's turn her around.

Lily looks at the screen with worry, unable to imagine what they are going to do.


Amara finds a similar tree to the one from the previous night and climbs it. Once she reaches the right height, she secures herself to the tree with a rope.

At least she's safe. - James whispers to Lily.

Game Control Room

Secena watches the screen with concern. President Snow was right, this girl causes a lot of trouble.

It doesn't even express how much trouble she's causing for them. - Johanna laughs, an the other victors join in, while the wizards and witches watch them with a concern.


The next morning, Amara wakes up to noises and quickly looks around from the tree. She sees that the entire forest is ablaze around her.

In the Great Hall, everyone's eyes widen as they see the fire around Amara. Lily tighty grips James' hand with concern, while Harry sits next to Sirius, and they anxiously gaze at the screen.

Amara quicky unties the rope as fast as she can, then jumps pff the tree and starts running. The forest around her is engulfed in flames. While running, her eyes widen as a fireball is suddenly shot towards her. She swiftly dodges it, stumbles but quicky gets up, and continues running.

Why the hell are they doing this? Sirius stands up angrily. "She can cause too much trouble, and they know it" Haymitch replies simply. Finnick and Peeta look at Amara with concern. Peeta had never known this happened to her.

Game Control Room

Man: One more to three.



I'd gladly sitck my axe into their heads. - Johanna says quiety to Enobaria, who bursts into laughter.


Amara continues running in the arena, and another fireball approaches from the side. She quickly dodges it and maneuvers around. Without stopping, she keeps running.

Buddy, they really hate your sister. - Ron tells Harry. Ginny simply smacks her brother in the head. "Don't mind him, that's usually her reaction to everything." Ginny says. Ron looks offended, while others laugh. "Don't worry, we're used to it. Haymitch can speak up in the best situatiouns." Amara adds with a smirk.

Game Control Room

Man: She heads towards the left edge of the arena. - looking up at Secena.

Secena: Alright, could I get a tree over there?

Man: Certainly. - The man sharpes a tree over there. Secena smiles while watching the screen.

I swear, if he weren't already dead, I'd kill him myself. - mutters Katniss to Haymitch, who laughs and takes a sip of his drink.


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