Part 12

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Amara is lying in bed tonight when she hears a knock.

Amara: Come in!

Peeta enters the room with a sad expression, then slowly walks over to Amara and lies down beside her in bed.

Peeta: My dear, I never want anything bad for you. I talked to Haymitch, and he said we could get many sponsors if we reveal that we're together. I just want to protect you. I love you so much and don't want to lose you.

Oh, where can I find a guy like Peeta? - Ginny asks excitedly. Several girls in the hall agree with Ginny and express their desire to find such a partner for themselves.

Amara. Peeta, I love you too. If the games start and we happen to be separated, and you encouter Cato and his team, I'd like you to try forming an alliance with them. Due to my high score, I'm likely amoung their initial targets. Homewer, if you tell them that you can locate me, they won't harm you. Lead them to me, and I'll find a way to escase. This way, they won't harm you.

So that's why Peeta allied with them at the beginning of the games! - Johanna exclaims. "I never understood how he could lead them to you, and then how you could trust him, but now I get it!"

Peeta: Okay, I trust you, but promise me you'll take very good care of yourself. - Amara nods silently, and they lie in comfortable silence for a while in each other's arms before Amara finally breaks the silence.

Amara: I miss Prim, Katniss, Gale and mom too. - she says softly.

Her siblings look up at her in astonishment, they missed them too, but never thought she would say it out loud.

Peeta: You'll see them soon. - he smiles faintly.

Amara: I'm worried, Peeta.

Peeta: Why are you worried?

Amara: I feel like everything is about to change. Like something is going to happen in the games, something new.

Amara's eyes suddenly turn white, Peeta holds her tightly, knowing this has happened before. Amara's eyes return to normal, and she whispers a single word. "Hope"

Oh for heaven's sake! You've started already, and I have to look out for you. ou1re lucky I love you, but I'm too sober this. - Haymitch says, taking a swig from his bottle. Amara just rolls her eyes affectionately, "I knew you had some idea about the rebellion!" Enobaria stands up. "NO our of malice, but Amara and Katniss are the last to notice everything of their indifference" says Gale. The two girls look offened and glare at Gale, who shrinks back in his seat. Peeta and Finnick know better than to intervene. Amara alone is intimidating, but with Katniss, the two of them together are like devils. "No one's going to talk about her eyes turning white?" Ron stands up incredulously. " It's the Seer's ability, that's how it begins with glimpses of just a few words." McGonagall says. Now everyone watches Amara with interest, except for the President, who clenches his fist.


The next morning, Amara and Haymitch walk together to the elevator, adn Haymitch gives her some final advice.

Haymitch: You'll find all sorts of useful things near the Cornucopia. You'll even see a bow, but don't go for it. - Look at him seriously.

Why shouldn't she go for a weapon himself? - Ron asks, feeling confused. "You'll see" responds Haymitch.

Amara: Why not?

Haymitch: It will be a bloodbath. Stay out of it. That's not your territory. Run away, hide, find water. Water is your bestfriend. Oh, and don't step off the podium too soon otherwise, you'll explonde.

It's not very reassuring. - Lucius speaks up since the beginning of the movies. Lily, crying, asks "How can you send innocent children into such a game?" Enobaria points to President Snow and says, "Ask him"

Amara: I won't.

The elevator doors open, and both of them step out. Haymitch turns to Amara, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Haymitch: You are capable, Amara. - they both look towards the aircraft.

Amara: Thank you.

Haymitch gently slaps her face, and then Amara heads towards the aircraft. Haymitch watches her go with a concern.

See? I told you! You've been worried about her from the start, you've grown fond of her! - Finnick stands up. "Okay, maybe a little." Haymitch admits. "So what? he adds, rolling his eyes, to which Finnick just smirks.


Amara is on the plane with the other tributes when peacekeepers approach with something that looks like a weapon, They first head towards Rue.

Peacekeeper: Give me your arm. - Rue extends her hand to the peacekeeper, and the camera shows them injecting something into her hand.

What the hell is this? James screams in terror.

They shows how they move down the line until they reach Amara. She extends her hand.

Amara: Whatis this?

Peacekeeper: Your tracker. - they inject the tracker into her hand and move on.

Tracker? This is utterly barbaric! Molly and Lily stand up in protest.

Game Control Room

In the middle of the room a 3D screen displays all the tributes with their district numbers, lighting up when they are in their designated locations.

Secena: Alright, attention, people. Final check. - claps once.

Man: The tributes have five minutes until the arena.

The room for departure preparation

Amara walks into the preparation room with two peacekeepers by her side, where Cienna is waiting. One of them opens the door for her, closing it after she enters. Amara walks over to Cienna, who immediately embraces her. Cienna steps back from the hug, then walks to the rack, taking a raincoat and helping Amara put it on. Cienna carefully revals that she hid her emblem under the coat. Amara starts to gaps for breath.

Cienna: Shh..

Amara: Thank you.

Oh, it's so sweet of you to bring it for her. Thank you for what you're doing for her. - Lily looks at Cienna gratefully. "It's nothing, it's like she's my daughter." Cienna smiles

Annoucer: 30 seconds.

Amara looks up at Cienna in fear.

Cienna: I can bet, but if i could, i'd bet on you. - he says, kissing Amara's check and pressing their foreheads together.

Finnick and Peeta, awere that there's nothing between Cienna and Amara, can't help but watch the screen with a tinge of jealously as Cienna is so close to their soulmate.

Annoucer: 20 seconds.

Amara slowlyy makes her way towards a tube that will take her up to the arena.

Annoucer: 10 seconds.

Amara enters the tube, and it immediately seals shut after her. She turns to Cienna in fear, and Cienna smiles reassuringly at her. Then the tube starts moving upward.

What? How do they do this? - George asks is astonishment. "I bring every tribute up to the arena like this." Finnick replies.

Merry Christmas!🎄❤️

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In the next part, the games will begin. Are you looking forward to it?🥰

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