Part 22

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Dumbledore: Okay, then let's take a little break.

As Dumbledore announces the break in the Great Hall, everyone starts talking. Peeta and Finnick take Amara to one corner so they can talk quietly.

Peeta: How are you feeling? Do you need anything, honey?

Amara: I'm fine, I mean it's been two years since the rebellion, and it's hard to recall what heppened again, not to mention that the others don't remember us the same way we remember them because we come from a different timeline, and that's tought.

Finnick: I belive it's tough, but we're here fot you if you need anything, and we'll always be by your side. - says Finnixk in a caring tone.

Peeta: And how's the baby? - Peeta asks softly, as he gently strokes the belly.

Amara: She's doing well. I'm pregnant under much better circumstances now. - she says jokingly.

Finnick: Indeed, that's for sure.

Amara: If I want talk to my family after the first movie ends, will you two come with me? - She asks anxiously.

Peeta: That's natural, sweetheart. We'll always be by your side. - Peeta says with a sweet smile, while Finnick nods smilingly. Amara gratefully smiles them.

Finnick: Let's go bavck to our seats to finish the movie as soon as possible. - He says, then helps Amara and Peeta to stand up. All three of them sits back in their seats and then look at the others, who are curiously watching them. Amara gestures to them that they will explain everything after the movie ends.

The movie starts again.

Amara quickly runs back to the cave to Peeta.

Amara: Peeta, I'm here, here's your medicine.

Peeta: What happened to you? - he asks anxiously, while gently stroking his face where a large wound is located.

I love how they worry about each other, it's so sweet. - Ginny says longingly as she watches the screen. "Everyone wants a relationship like that" Luna adds. Hearing the comments, Amara and Peeta blush, to which Finnick chuckles softly.

Amara: I'm fine.

Peeta: No, really, what happened to you? - he continues to ask, still worried.

I love how Peeta cares for her and worries about her. - Lily whispers to James, James rolling her eyes at the comment. "I worried about her too, that's way she doesn't need boys in her life." "Just a piece of advice, if you want your daughter to accept you into her life, you definitely need to accept the boys in her life, otherwise she definitely won't talk to you." Haymitch declares.

Amara: Clove cut me, but I'm okay.

Peeta: It shouldn't have been necessary for you to leave, you sad you wouldn't go.

Amara: You've gotten worse. - she says as she takes out the cream and starts applying it to Peeta's wound, causing him to flinch in pain.

I don't like the Potters either, but I'd still like to have such a caring girlfriend/boyfriend. - Blaise whispers quietly to Theo and Draco.

Peeta: You need it too. - he groans amidst his pain.

Amara: I'm fine.

Why do you reject the medicane when it's also for you? - Hermione asks curiously. "Amara prefers to make sure others are well around her first before taking care of herself. She usually doesn't put herself first, but Peeta always puts her first, as I assume Finnick does to, although I don't know him personally." Katniss responds. Amara, Peeta and Finnick exchange glances again, reassured by Katniss's words that they don't come from the same era.

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