Part 5

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On the train, the cabin is elegantly adorned with crystals, and the table, there is an abundance of fruits and sweets. Peeta and Amara look around in wonder.

Is this supposed to be like the last supper? Sirius ansk hokingly. " Essentially, yes, although those participanting in the games don't find is as amusing." All the victors look at him sternly.

Effie: Sit down and eat, this is for you. A speed of 200 miles per hout that you don't even feel.

Amara and Peeta just awkwardly look at him.

Effie: I'm going to find Haymitch, she says, tanding up and walking out of the cabin.

You don't see such awkward situations all the time. - Ron whispers.

Peeta: Have you met Haymitch? - Amara doesn't respond, just tightly holds Peeta's hand.

You do realize he won't answer? - Finnick asks. " I suspected, just worried for him." Amara's family looks at her with concern.

Peeta: You know, Amara, he will be our mentor, he has won one before.

Amara nervously looks at him before speaking.

Amara: Don't you get it, really? Even if one of us wins, they'll die within a few days before we've already triggered the soulmates connection.

Because of this, people in the great hall nervously look at each other.

Amara flashback:

Amara and Katniss are chasing each other in District 12, Amara, looking back at Katniss, fails to notice someone ahead and collides with them, causing both to fall.

Amara: Oh, sorry, Didn't mean to run into you." - she apologizes, looking up the person. Homever, as she meets their eyes, she freezes. "Oh darn" she whispers softly, quickly trying to get up to run away.

Finnick is the first to brust into laughter, followed by everone else. " Really, you wanted to excaspe from him too? I thought the problem was with me." - he says, teasingly.

Amara is about to run away when Katniss cathes up with them, and as they lock eyes, she quickly realizes what has happened. They are soulmates. Katniss swiftly turns to Peeta and introduces herself.

Katniss: Katniss Everdeen, and this is my sister, Amara Everdeen. - she says, tightly holding Amara's hand to prevent her from running away.

Peeta: Peeta Mellark. - he says, not tanking her eyes off Amara.

Katniss: Well, i have to go now, meeting Gale, but good luck to you both. - she smiles at them and quickly runs off.

Amara and Peeta awkwardy gaze at each other for minutes until Peeta filly speaks.

Peeta: Oh, would you like to take a walk? - he stammers nervously. Amara simply nods in silence.

"That was really awkward" James desclares, while Sirius nods in amusement. Finnick looks at the two soulmates with affection, they had told him how they meet, but seeing it is a much better feeling.

Following this, several small scenes appear on the screen: Amara and Peeta walking in the woods, strolling hand is hand at the market, some of their dates, and their first kiss.

You two are so sweet. - Finnick whispers to them, kissing Peeta and Amara on the neck. Meanwhile, Lily quietly tells James, " They're so sweet" and James sits there, arms crossed, in a sulky manner.

Flashback end

Peeta just reassuringly embraces Amara and kisses her head. After a few minutes, the cabin door opens, revealing a long-haired blonde man who stumbles to the drinka counter. He pours himself a drink and then speaks.

Haymitch: Congratulations. - he says, sarcastically raising a hand in acknowledgment.

"Comletely drunk" Lily says in alarm, wanting to help his daughter. Remus points out the similarity to Sirius, which makes James burst into loud laughter.

He looks around the table and speaks again.

Haymitch: Where's the ice?

Peeta: I don't know.

Haymitch walks over to the chair opposite them and sit down. Amara watches him sternly.

Peeta: Alright, so when do we start?

Haymitch: Hey, hey, you're quite enthusiastic. Most people aren't in such a hurry. - he says while gesturing randomly with his hand.

Peeta: He could explain the starting strategy, you are or mentor.

Maymitch: Mentor?

Peeta: Yrs, our mentor, you need to tell us how to gain sponsors.

Haymitch: Oh, alright. The best advice is to be prepared that you'll die soon. - Haymitch replies bluntly.

In the great hall, they just at Haymitch in shock, astonished by his insensitivly.

Amara: So why are you here then?

Haymitch: The refreshments.

Peeta tries to take the drink from his hand.

Peeta: I think that's enought. - he says.

Haymitch lifts her leg and shoves Peeta back into his seat.

Haymitch: I spilled on my new pants because of you. . he says.

Haymitch: You know what? I'll continue in my cabin. - he says, then struggles to stand and awkwardy tries to leave the cabin.

The other mentors just shake their heads, watching the scene unfold.

Peeta: I'LL catch up later.

Amara: It's unnecessary.

Peeta: I'll talk to him. - he says before hurrying after Haymitch.

Afterward, Amara goes into his cabin and turns on the TV.

They're showing a previous game on the screen.

Announer: Two 16 years old.

Ceasar: Yes.

Announer: Can you belive this year?

Ceasar: Oh yes, one my favorite years, and the arena was favorite too. How they used the ruins in the city. - he remarks.

On the screen, two boys are depicted, with one grabbing a brick to repeatedly hit the other, smashing his head.

In the Great Hall, they watch the screen in horror, worrying about what might happen to Amara and Peeta after witnessing the brutality. Some are in tears.

Ceasar: And this is the moment we never forget. - he says

The boy stands up with the brick in his hand, dripping blood onto the ground.

Ceasar: The moment when a tribute becomes a victor.

Amara quickly turns of the tv, she doesn't want to see this.

They watch this horrifying scene with wide-open mouths, and those who hadn't belived before now realize the harsh reality of those games. The adults and teachers try to reassure the kids, while the victors silently look at each other. Finnick sees Amara feels quilty, so he embraces him, pulling her into his lap and whispering soothing words in his ear.

---- I hope you enjoyed today's part. Don't forget to comment and like.

Thank you for being with me. Kisses to all of you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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