•Woah! Is that... the sun? No, its you. Its always been you.•

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Tw: uhh nothin except a little bit of gay fear and some tooth rotting fluff.

Timeframe: 4 days later
Setting: a movie theater
3rd person POV

"Dazai why are we watching Barbie ? We could've been watching Oppenheimer or something-"
Chuuya scowled. He was dressed in a pink hoodie and some gray slacks.

"Because Oppenheimer is boring and sad! We should watch Barbie... plus I heard Ken is hot..."
Dazai said teasingly. He was dressed in a soft pink sweater, and, much to Chuuya's demise, a plaid pink skirt.

The brunette had insisted that they wear pink o the Barbie movie, so here he was, holding Chuuya's hand and looking like an oversized femboy.

"Ken holds nothing on me." Chuuya scoffed.

"True." Dazai planted a kiss on the ginger's head, and Chuuya blushed before angrily tugging on Dazai's hair.

"... stop that! What if people see us?" Chuuya asked worriedly. He wasn't ashamed of Dazai, but was afraid of what people might think if they knew he was gay.

"They'd be jealous I have such a wonderful Chibi to myself." Dazai hugged Chuuya tightly before leading him into the movie theater.

The ads before the movie were playing, and Dazai brought Chuuya up to the top row of the movie theater.

"This way we get a private view... I don't want anyone else seeing your face when you realize how good the Barbie movie is." Dazai said possessively as he sat down in his seat.

"Tch." Chuuya couldn't help but chuckle at that.
"I'm sure you have a more perverted plan you aren't telling me."
The ginger grumbled affectionately.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't. And the only way you'll find out is if you watch the movie." Dazai said seriously.

Chuuya took that as a signal to sit next to the brunette. He was still a little hesitant about being friendly with Dazai, and was afraid he would leave him again.

But looking at the bright and happy look in Dazai's eyes made it hard to doubt him. He'd been so cheerful lately, and Chuuya was glad that Dazai had left his mafia days behind both physically and mentally.

The movie started, and Dazai pulled up the divider from between the seats and leaned onto Chuuya's shoulder.

Chuuya was surprised at the sudden affection, before remembering Dazai was touch starved and lonely.

"Mmm... yeah, Ken is hot..." Dazai mumbled as the blonde came on screen.

Chuuya felt a pang of jealousy even though he knew Dazai was messing with him.
"You're so gay..." he nudged Dazai playfully.

"Only for you though...." Dazai purred as his fingers danced over to Chuuya's pants.

"What... we're in a movie theater!" Chuuya hissed into Dazai's ear.

"C'mon... it'd be fun..." Dazai grinned. "You can be quiet..."

Chuuya settled on hitting Dazai on top of his head with a plastic water bottle.

Dazai of course made a dramatic whine before quickly sitting back up. "So cruel..." he simpered.

"Focus on the movie, I didn't buy these tickets for nothing." Chuuya scolded Dazai, and the brunette sighed.

"Fine... killjoy." He added with a slight pout. Chuuya ignored Dazai and focused on the admittedly pretty good movie.

Timeframe; however long the Barbie movie is I'm too lazy to search it up
Setting: a car, driving.
3rd person pov:

I swear I hate youOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant