9-Training+The Ring

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~~~James POV~~~

Riven made the first move by going for a right hook, but I blocked it, holding onto his fist before swinging my left leg over his hand and bringing him down to the ground easily.

"Those are some thick thighs." Dane muttered, but it was loud for me to hear.

Riven held onto my foot to try and bring me down, but I just flipped over him, giving him a chance to get up.

"Come on, Riv." Dane called out.

Riven sucked in a bit of breath before going for a right hook again. I blocked it again but got hit in the stomach with his left leg. Recovering from the hit easily, I turned with his hand still in my hand and flipped him over my shoulder, making his body hit the platform.

"Shit. You good?" Dane called out from the background.

Riven grunted, squeezing his eyes shut before folding his hands behind his head, looking up. "Yeah. Good view, by the way."

I stepped away from him, a bit shocked by his statement before hopping off the platform.

"James wins." He shrugged.

Riven flipped to a stand and hopped off the platform after me, leaning in to whisper. "You got some powerful hits, I'll tell you that."

"More powerful than those grades of yours." I muttered before sipping some water.

I turned to see Silva talking to Skye as Stella walked off.

Riven slung his arm over my shoulder, smiling at me. "You got a girlfriend?"

"No." I immediately answered.

"Ah." Riven was silent for a moment before leaning in closer. "Are you a virgin?"

I shook his arm off my shoulder. "F#ck off." I walked off to find someone else to spar with, ignoring Riven's loud laughter.

Training was soon over for the day, and it was now lunchtime. I was about to walk off when I saw a glimpse of Beatrix walking off with Riven.

They're going to cause trouble.

But I didn't want to be in any of that.

'Why did he ask of that earlier?' I thought to myself while holding my tray in the line. 'Did he want to...I guess....?' My face grew red at the thought.

I watched the lady hand me my plate of food and thanked her, seeing she was in physical pain before walking over to an empty bench.

I looked around the room while eating, seeing some kids talking with each other, some even talking with their soulmates.

"Hey, big brother." Georgia sat beside me. "Meet, Daryl."

I looked over her shoulder to see a guy almost tall like me. Almost.

"Hello, sir." Daryl spoke, and I was dumbfounded.

Why does he sound like a 12 year old?

"I used a spell on him by accident." Georgia informed, taking a bite of her chicken.

Daryl sat across Georgia, tense in his seat when he felt my stare on him.

Georgia said she bonded with him already, and bonding wasn't something where you could shake hands or hug.

"Brother." Georgia scolded in a warning tone from beside me.

I was wondering why they weren't sitting beside each other before seeing that Daryl wasn't that affected.

That means they bonded more than once, thrice even.

"How's it going with yours?" Georgia was the only one talking at this point.

"Good. Found them and are at a talking stage." I wasn't telling half lie.

We were at a talking stage.

One was in love with two girls, and the other was f#cking around with girls.

I looked over at a table to see all six fairies with Skye, narrowing my eyes when Stella wrapped her hand around him.

I watched them for a while before seeing Skye turn to look around the room. Both our eyes met, and he motioned me over.

I was confused but excused myself. "Good lunch, but I gotta go."

"Bye, brother." Georgia giggled a bit unusually.

I walked over to stand on the left of Skye and looked down at the table. "This a map of Alfea?"

"No shit sherlock." Stella crosses her arms with an impatient look.

"What's got your panties in a twist Goldilocs?" I asked her with a raised brow, trying to be family friendly.

I heard a snort and saw the empath turning away from the table.

"Can you help us find Stella's ring?" Skye asked me with a pleading look.

"Isn't it Stella's ring?" I crossed my arms, looking down at the map before looking back at him.

"And it was Bloom who lost it." Stella piped in.

"Sh, the adults are talking." I held up my pointer finger at Stella before looking back at Skye. "Even so, what do you need?"

"Well, Bloom wants to go find it. Her friends are denying to go." Stella rolled up the map.

I leaned over Skye's shoulder to look at her. "Beast. Go and find your beauty before I finish Gaston's job."

Aisha let out a cough. "Didn't have to bring up Disney."

Bloom looked down at her hands before looking up. "Let me know when you wanna do it." She got up and exited the hall.

Stella huffed and kept on rolling up the map.

I twisted my head to look at her. "B#tch, please go back to trying to get Phineas and Ferb in trouble before I-"

Skye held my shoulders and turned me away. "Bye-bye."

Both Skye and I walked into the halls, him pushing me before we stopped in the empty hallway.

"What's up?" I turned to face him. "Should've let me finish her."

"Can we please hold off the soulmate thing a little longer?" Skye pleaded.

I just nodded and nudged him down the hall. "Yeah, go find Bloom."

"Thanks." Skye ran down the hallway after the confirmation.

I sighed and turned back around to head back into the dining hall to finish my lunch.

While walking back, I felt a sting on my left arm and guilt crept in my stomach.

I took in deep breaths before staggering a bit, feeling like I couldn't breathe. My eyes soon burned with disappointment.


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