22-The Feeling of Betrayal

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(My WiFi has been on and off for a while, hopefully this is published soon, if so, here you guys are)

All three walked the halls of the school, Bloom looking around cautiously.

"Will you please just say something?" Bloom outed her hands by her sides.

"What's there to say?" Skye huffed. "You kissed me, then you drugged me."

"Kissed...." James muttered the word like an echo.

"Technically, I drugged you first." Bloom tried to defend herself.

"Drugged...." James squinted his eyes at the floor below him as he followed behind the pair.

"I didn't know that we were gonna kiss when I dosed your drink." Bloom tried to prove a point.

Skye looked at the corner of his eye, already seeing James stare at him.

"And I got wrapped up in the moment-" Bloom got cut off.

"A kiss seemed a good way to distract me. Thanks for the recap." Skye rolled his eyes.

"I'm going..." James didn't bother finishing his sentence, walking down a different hallway where some specialists were helping students to evacuate.

The hallways looked like the halls of a mental asylum with the power gone, making this a perfect place for-

Hearing the sounds of the accused intimate actions made James sigh. "What a bunch of losers...."

After walking for a while, James saw the familiar double doors of the fairies' dorm room. He tried to knock on the door, but it was jammed, making it unnoticeable to who was inside, so he did the most reasonable and started banging on the door.

Eventually, Bloom and Skye met up with him, and with the help of Skye, they burst open the dorm room.

Would've been much easier with James' abilities, but he was just too lazy for that.

Skye and Stella shared a bit of awkward eye contact, saying their little hello.

"We have to get help." Terra pointed out the obvious dying Sam on the floor.

"Sh!t, Sam?" James had both hands on his cheeks. "You're dying?"

"No....I-I'm..f-f$cking...d...dancing..." Sam grunted out barely, a grin on his face.

"Looking a little rough there, bud." James tapped his shoulder.

"This is not the time to joke." Terra was obviously fretting for her brother, so Skye picked him up, and everyone filed out the room.

After walking down the large flight of stairs, they made it to the Grand Hall where Terra called for her dad.

"Sam!" Ben ran up to the table they placed the boy on. "I need Zanbaq, now!"

James couldn't stand the screaming and brought out his noise-canceling headphones, reading the lips of his 'friends'.

He saw them turn to a direction collectively and saw Farah walking down the stairs, introducing the message of Burned Ones infiltrating their school. The students started talking amongst themselves as they heard that the creatures might infiltrate the hall.

James gasped when he got pulled along with Farah and Bloom, though it's to be expected.

"The settlers of Aster Dell weren't innocent."

Hearing Bloom start up this conversation, James groaned in annoyance. He just wanted to go back to the first few days of school, where he got laid.

"I heard of this before...did they call it hypersexual?" James whispered to himself, covering his ears since his headphones were knocked off.

"And you..." Farah turned to James. "Just because he is your father doesn't mean you needed to go along with what he says. He's a maniac."

"We all are." James rolled his eyes, hands moving to the back of his neck where he felt a fever spreading.

"They're after me, you know?" Bloom inquired.

"You and James." Farah sighed. "I didn't realize that at first, but I do now. Which means it's my job to protect you."

All James got from this conversation was that his father and aunt were the ones breaking the barrier and cutting off the power supplies, but for what? To test out their abilities- ?

Hearing the growling in the distance, James' eyes flashed red a bit before returning to its original color, the heat in his neck going to his back.

"Agh..." James rubbed at his back for a bit, feeling it was sore. "What the f$ck..?"


Fortunately, the specialists started stacking things behind the doors, getting their weapons ready in case of battle.

James just got done putting a dresser on top of the pile behind the door, brushing the dust off his hands.

'Don't turn around.'

Now, that just made him turn around and, "Oh.my.God."

"I know, right? They're such a great couple." Raven stood to his left with a chair in his hands.

"Well, f$ck this sh!t." James shrugged nonchalantly.

"I can't do this."

James saw Skye pushing back Bloom but didn't stick around to see it all, too tired from everything.

The only feeling he felt was of betrayal.

Walking slowly, James made it to a set of stairs that led up into the tower. He peered through the window with his hand rubbing his back.

First, he felt it in his neck, then his back? What could've been the cause of this?

Raven placed his hand on James' back. "Here."

James visibly relaxed at the cool feeling. "Thanks, Elsa."

"Think I coild match Bloom?" Raven hugged him from behind, chin placed on James' shoulder. "I promise no one will find the body."

"No." James shook his head. "They'll surely worry for her."


The low hum from Raven sent butterflies into James' stomach.

"Think we got time for one round?" James turned to face Raven.

"Did I mention my time stopping ability?" Raven smirked.


Bloom and her friends walked up the small set of stairs. "James?"

The said boy quickly pulled his shirt over his head and fixed his hair. His companion did the same, both stepping a few paces apart.

"James?" Bloom came around the corner.

"Yes, Bloom?" James was a bit pissed at the c$ckblocker.

"We need your help." Bloom gulped. "The thing your father told you about."

"Coming." James sighed, watching as the three went back down. "Duty calls."

"I can see." Raven smiled. "Guess my time stopping ability only works for a few minutes."

"A few minutes was all I needed." James bounded down the stairs. "Bye."

"Bye." Raven watched with his hands in his pockets before turning to a wall. "You can come out now."

"That was disgusting."

"Whatever, Ashley." Raven rolled his eyes. "Got the video?"

"I sure do." Ashley held up her camera.

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