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~~James POV~~

I lay in bed, staring up at my ceiling as I contemplated my life decisions before getting up and getting dressed for the day.

Stepping into the clearing, I paused.

What in tarnation is this?

Fairies and specialists training together? Never would've thought I'd seen the day.

Grinning to myself, I walked over to the three adults in the middle of everything.

"What's going on?" I looked over the two sparring in front of us eyes catching Riven's.

"Training Day." Silva informed before turning. "Pick a fairy and pair up."

"Okay." I looked around at the different pairs training before meeting eyes with someone.

A tall ravenette with diamond studs, hovering over a pair that has a girl who looks like him.

"Holy...." I cleared my throat and made my way over, getting nervous when I noticed he was taller than me. "Hey, u -"

"You're pairing with me." The male denounced before looking at the girl out of the pair. "Sis, let's go."

The girl got up and walked to a cleared space with her pair, making me see the small black diamond on both of their wrists.


"Come on." The boy started walking behind them. "My name is Raven, second year. That's my sister, Ashley, and her soulmate, Steven, first years."

"My name is James." I introduced myself after a long pause, stopping when he turned to look down at me.

"Oh, we know who you are, James." Raven had a dark look in his eyes. "You're the ancestor of the Scarlet Witch."

"How do you know that?" I narrowed my eyes. "I swear, on mac and cheese, I will come for the whole of your family, even your pet dog."

"I don't have a pet dog." Raven had a smug smile on his face before he turned. "Let's go, princesa."

I rolled my eyes before walking over to stand across his sister.

The area was silent as we both stood looking at each other, hands flexing by our sides. Ashley gripped her sword while I gripped my staff.

Ashley charged first, swinging her sword in an 'x' formation that made me immediately react, blocking her with my staff. We continued to exchange blows for a while before I stepped away from her, seeing a glowing triangle passing by and cutting a tree.

"Steven!" Ashley shouted, doing a backflip and making me see the man behind her with his hands forming a triangle. "What if you hit me?!"

"I would kill myself." Steven replied before closing his hands in a praying motion.

"What a couple." I groaned before charging back at Ashley.


Hearing Raven's yell, I ducked, seeing a black shadow aiming for Ashley but got directed into a tree, causing it to decay.

What the hell are their elements? Are these hero-proofed?

"Stop?" Ashley held a hand up before pointing at me. "You need to run." She sheathed back her sword. "You weren't here for warm-up."

"Well, if it is to be so, wouldn't I have to warm up before we started?" I crossed my arms.

Ashley rolled her eyes before looking to her right. "Raven, tale a walk as well. Your reaction time is slow."

"Whatever, sis." Raven walked by me, pulling my shoulder to follow.

After walking for a while, we started jogging, talking on the way.

"What do you know about me?"

"Hm?" Raven kept his eyes up ahead.

"You said you knew everything about me, so, what do you know?"

Raven sighed before changing his course to the large maze. Seeing Jim change direction, I assumed it was something private, and knowing my private stuff was inappropriate for others to hear, I followed him.

"So," I stopped a few ways from him, looking around to notice we were kind of in the middle of the maze but at a dead end to another entrance. "What do you know?"

"Well, I know you have two soulmates; Skye and Riven." He denounced, wiping his nose with a handkerchief. "Why are you still with them?"

"It's a physical." I defended.

"An emotional since you live crying yourself right sleep every night." Raven placed the cloth in his pocket. "How was being skewered on Riven's d!ck feel like?"

"You're a stalker." I accused, pointing at him.

"And you're a lonely piece of sh!t." Raven stepped forward, making my finger poke his chest, and he tilted his head. "I thought you were the descendant of the Scarlet Witch. What happened to the fiery spark?"

"What fiery spark? That's Bloom's thing." I winced.

"You need to do your research." He breathed through his nose. "I, at least did mine. Skye wants Bloom and Riven want Beatrix, but with Beatrix locked up, Riven wants a f#ck toy, and with Bloom getting conflicted, Skye gets attached to her everyday. That leaves you."

"So, what are you saying?" I crossed my arms, tapping my leg.

"That you're basically a c$cksleeve, you need to step up your game, man." He pulled out a cigarette.

"So vulgar." I stayed quiet for a moment before sighing. "Since we're on the topic of soulmates, where's yours?"

Raven looked up silently, watching the clouds drift by slowly. "He died."

Feeling a pang of guilt, I pat his shoulder. "Sorry, big guy."

"Big guy?" He looked at me with a grimace. "What's with that?"

"Nothing." I shrugged, looking at the rows of leaves and roses before feeling a sting in my left arm.

"Guess someone's feeling a bit.....hm, nervous, or is it aroused?" Raven circled me to black off the clearing, making me at the dead end.

I clicked my tongue. "No need to be so jealous of someone else's mate just because yours died." I teased.

"You think I'm jealous?" He stepped closer until our chests touched.

"Yeah, I do." I muttered, although he could hear since we're basically breathing in each other's scent.

"When I'm done with you, he'll be the one who's jealous." He muttered before leaning closer, our noses pressing together.

Finally, our lips connected, my inner self squealing like a fanboy as his body blocked me from any outside calamity.

Parting from the kiss, he looked at my neck. "What's this?"

"Just a parting gift from Riven, from last night." I looked to the side.

I yelped as I felt a pinch on the skin between my shoulder and collarbone.

"There." Raven licked the spot he just bit before looking up at me. "Let's do it right here, right now."

Feeling in a daze, I nodded fast, a tension growing in my pants all of a sudden. "Please."


We did this for hours.

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