12-Is Silva Good?

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James sighed in content, sinking into the bath water slowly.

"Good?" Riven spoke from his spot sitting on the covered toilet seat, a roll of cigarette in his hand.

"Mhm." James hummed lowly, sinking until his nose and eyes were the only thing seen above water.

"This hits the spot." Skye spoke from across the moderately large tub, head tilted back on the concrete wall.

James stayed silent for a bit, relishing in the comfortable atmosphere.

"We have training tomorrow?" Skye decided to kill the mood.

"Better the f#ck not." Riven answered quickly before choking on some smoke that was not inhaled right.

James laughed, his laughter sounding muffled underwater.

"But I'm being serious. I planned to go f#cking James all da-" Riven spoke from his recovery.

"I didn't agree to that sh!t." James whipped his head to look at him.

"Well, I did." Skye raised his hand like he was in class.

"F#ck you mean, Skye?" James threw a loofah at him, fixing the bonnet on his head.

"I agreed." Skye repeated, flipping his wet hair over his head with his fingers.

A knock came on the door.

"Riven, you in there?"

"The f#ck is Beatrix doing in here?" James whispered low so she couldn't hear.

"I don't know." Skye whispered back.

"Yeah. I'm coming." Riven called out in response.

Both Skye and James saluted Riven for being brave and choosing h0es over bros.

After the door was shut, James slam dunked Skye into the water.


~~~The Next Day~~~

The specialists were training even harder now, placed in pairs to work more efficiently by themselves than tag-teaming.

Silva walked past two first years with a stick. "Be efficient in your footwork. From technique comes power." He advised before moving on.

Skye and Riven were on a platform, dueling with their preferred....sticks(?).

"Skye." Silva stepped up the platform. "Watch your footwork." Silva watched the two for a few seconds before Skye was knocked down. "Nicely done, Riven. Nicely done."

James was on another platform, facing off against a boy named Nickelson.

Silva stepped up the platform. "Sweep the leg."

James ducked down as Nickelson swiped for his head with a kick. "You're starting to sound like Riven."

James made use of Nickelson's slight stagger and swept his feet from under him, making him land on his stomach before bringing his hand behind him.

"Is it a bad thing?" Silva's tone was a bit too playfully to strike the right cord in James.

James lets go of Nickelson in surprise. "What does that mean?"

Nickelson lifted his top half up, intending to hit James in the face with the back of his head before he got pushed back onto the ground forcefully.

"Nothing." Silva simply shrugged before exiting the platform. "Just keep your mouths closed."

James' eyes widened as he placed his hand over his mouth, slowly turning to look at Skye and Riven a few feet away.


~~James POV~~~

They were sitting beside Stella. What is going on?

I took a break from training, sitting beside a tree. I strained my ears to listen.

"She must be mind-blowing, right?" Riven asked, holding his hands out on his lap before clasping them. "Or does she do weird sh!t with her tongue?"

Skye turned at this. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm just trying to figure out why the f#ck you started things up with her again." Riven revealed. "Like, she's crazy 'hot', but the emphasis is squarely on 'crazy'."

The place was silent for a bit.

"It's butt stuff." Riven concluded before looking at Skye.

This caused me to burst out laughing from my spot beside the tree, flinging my head back, accidentally causing me to fall on my back.

"She lets you do the butt stuff!" Riven shouted again.

"Shut up, Riven!" Skye pushed Riven off the bench before placing back his hands in his hoodie pocket.

Riven laughed to himself after being pushed off before pulling himself up.

Skye looked back at Silva, inspecting him more as the man leaned on the pole.

"Look, I would blame her for your sh!t sparring last week, but..." Riven started off. "I know you and Silva are close."

Skye kept staring at Silva, eyes trailing over to me before looking back at Silva.

"I'm about if you ever wanna, like-" Riven got cut off.

"Um..." Skye lifted off his seat a bit. "I've gotta run, ok?"

Riven nodded his head, watching Skye walking off.

I just shook my head, drinking my water before remembering what Riven said and choked on it.

"You good?" Dane panted from next to me, also taking a sip of his water.

"Yeah." I lifted my water bottle. "Water is life."

"Right." Dane agreed, fully grown accustomed to my foolishness.

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