43. Voices in My Head.

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After the nice parting shot — from who my brain was too slow to realise was really King Darian before Nyx pointed it out; we head in the complete opposite direction from our initial route and curiosity has me shutting up as I take in everything.

After walking and getting half dragged for almost thirty minutes, we get to a wooded area and the boys halt scanning the place.

"Hey!" I nervously start, nothing good ever came from a bunch of males taking a female to the woods, "Your daddy said library, if you kill me in the woods he won't be thrilled."

"I guess it was wishful thinking to hope you had lost your ability to speak," grunts Cain earning chocked off laughs from everyone; even Nyx, the traitor.

With a huff, I promise myself to shut it no matter what comes, there's only so much a girl can take. My promise doesn't even take root before it's broken, by the spectacular view I beheld.

"Woah! Where did that come from?"

The previously all-tree surrounding was now an impressive stretch of paved paths lined with vegetation leading to the most impressive medieval building I had ever laid my eyes on. Think if the Sagrada Familia and the Potala Palace had a child, and it was huge, and all white.

Before I could really admire the building, I'm quickly ushered inside and a shimmer of light engulfs me before spitting me inside.

"Guess Mages aren't big on normal entrances, huh? Wa... Oh blessed heavens! Can I live here forever?"

Because books! There were books everywhere! From the floor, to... wait a minute there were no ceilings, they went up and up and up...you get the drift.

"You are drooling," comes from Nyx sounding reluctantly amused, I look back and realise everyone else was looking at me, Ryder with a kind of nostalgia that was painful to see. Too late, we were done, he'd already kicked me to the curb. I liked my friends loyal and trustworthy, he had been anything but.

I couldn't honestly tell you what way we went, with my focus elsewhere. I was so busy admiring everything that when we halt abruptly, I almost walk into Cain.

"Get in," he barks. So charming.

"Say please," I answer with a saccharine smile. The bastard then picks me up and throws me inside a room that could pass off as a storage closet were it not for its exaggerated size. Before I could turn to admonish the uncultured prince, he slams the door shut with Nyx barely making it in.

Huffing, I turn to survey the room, my eyes struggling to adjust to the dark; after the only substantial source of light was slammed shut, the only other source, was a garden window at the top of the room that was probably more than eight feet high.

"Mahi, we really have to get you out of here."

"That's the third time," I answer grinning stupidly at the dragon; that was now visible.

"Are you bipolar?"

"Oh shut it, that's the third time you've called me Mahi, I'm totally growing on you, my scaly friend. You like me Nyx, you are free to admit it."

The comical look on his face has me fighting between tormenting him further or giving in and getting serious.

"Did those idiots hit your head? Or were you dropped on it as a child, I'm leaning towards the latter."

Torment it is.

"The king said Dolly says hi...is she your girlfriend? Did she dump you? Is that why you get mood swings when she's mentioned?"

MAGE CHRONICLES: THE BEGINNINGOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora