52. Emotion Avalanche.

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Axel was what?

Blue jumping and clapping on my hip jolts me from my startled frozen state.

"I ...uh...I thought dad already told you, I didn't want you to learn it like that."

"Like what?" I ask Axel, pointedly avoiding the crux of the matter.

"Shouted in your face."

Aziz has the grace to look embarrassed, it lasts for a moment before his shameless self adds, "Good to rip the wound off at once."

"Band-aid off you idiot, the saying is ripping the band-aid off," Rain says moving to scuff Aziz, at the back of his head.

Axel ignores them eyes, intently fixed on me, he looks anxious, was he waiting for something?

"He's waiting for your reaction," Someone whispers.

"What?" I ask out loud.

"Oh, great you fried her brain cells," Andrei mutters moving closer as if to examine my head, I swat him away, mind buzzing.

"There weren't that many left anyway," Ok, that I heard.

"Hey!" I yell glaring at Nyx.

"Bad lizard," Blue mumbles, glaring at Nyx, my baby's got my back.

"So?" Ax asks bringing us back to the matter at hand, "What do you think?"

"I get a choice?" I sass, my defence mechanism kicking in.

Ax's face falls, "Well, yeah if you want."

"You don't want to be his sister?" Aziz asks sounding confused and if it was even possible Ax's face falls further.

Put the boy out of his misery, would you?

I ignore Rhys, staring at Ax, "How did that even happen."

"Well, when a ma..."

"Shut it, Andrei now's not the time," comes from the doorway and we all glance up to see, Nona Ellie walk in followed, by the dean, well dad, Keon and Killian.

"My lady," Andrei mutters head bowed.

"Nona, what's going on?" I ask.

She moves to poke at Blue's cheeks, but Blue doesn't jump into her arms like he normally would. Her smile responding smile seems somewhat sad as she addresses me, "He missed you so, I'm glad he has you now."

"Would you guys mind giving us a little privacy," the dean says glancing at the rest of the guys.

They exchange looks moving towards the door.

"I don't mean standing out the door privacy, I mean going back to your rooms privacy, you got me?" He adds sounding like a...dean.

"Yes sire," they mumble clearly not happy but they leave.

I stare at Keon and Khalil when they don't move to leave, and then what Blue shouts next floors me.

"Hi daddy K," he says waving at the two who were standing side by side at the door.

Daddy what?

I almost die, when Keon's face transforms and he waves back at him, equally enthusiastic

Was I in a parallel universe?

Now, this is entertaining.

Shut it Casper. Where had he even come from?

"Daddy what?" I whisper baffled.

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