68. Superstar in Hiding.

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We are all lying back trying to catch our breath from the bounty Andrei had appeared with, or at least Blue, Damon, Aarya and I are, the rest are hashing out the details of a dance they'd been working on.

"I can't believe I'm in THE house! All thanks to you dear princess," Damon states nudging me.

"I don't get it, I really don't, they are all stupid, other than their bloodlines, they have nothing going," I huff.

"Ouch Drac, only you would say that, for the rest of the school we are BFD," my brother grumbles from where he's standing.

"I don't want to ask but I've got to, what's BFD?" I ask.

"Big Freaking Deal," Aziz pipes up.

"Freaking?" Aarya asks with a smirk.

With a pointed glare at Blue, Roan answers, "Yeah, freaking, because that kid has me well on my way to getting washboard abs, I can't remember the last time I had to be on my best behaviour."

"You are welcome Ro," Blue pipes up where he's snuggled on my lap.

"Hey, why does he get, a cool masculine nickname, and the rest of us get..."

"Because you're still a child ZeeZee, Nona Ellie said so too."

Aziz gets so red in the face that I'm afraid he's about to blow, but before anything happens, the door bangs open heralding Niamh and her friends.

I'm up clutching Blue protectively especially when I see Konte in the group. He looked terrible, like I'm missing a couple of teeth and my eye is swollen shut kind of terrible, he was even limping slightly.

"Well hello cunt-e, are you sure you're well enough to be roaming around?" Andrei asks advancing towards the new group.

"Chill out, Andrei, we come in peace. Since today was a free day courtesy of our fragile princess, I figured we'd get some practice in," Niamh says hand stretched towards Andrei but he steps back at the last minute.

I go to fire a retort at the very pointed barb but stop when everyone turns to me.


Andrei is smiling like Christmas came early and Aziz looks like he's trying hard not to say something inappropriate.

"You growled Mahi," Rain supplies.

"No, I didn't."

"Yes you did," comes from Blue who had ceased trying to hide in the crook of my neck and was now glaring at the newcomers, I was feeling the solidarity.

"I don't mind. It means she's as possessive of me as I am of her," Andrei says sounding as smug as the words suggest.

The blinding smile disappears from Niamh's face and she turns her sneer on me, "She doesn't deserve any of you, and she knows that, that's why she's busy spreading it for you so she can trap you with spawns, it worked the first time," she finishes off with a pointed glare at Blue, who was staring at her with some creepy level of determination.

"It won't work on me, you son of a..." she stares up as her entire head goes up in flames, which then move on engulfing her entire body.

"I got warded against him, she said he won't be burning me again!" she screams swatting at herself frantically.

Blue on the other hand is clapping his hands elated then he reaches to high-five...air.

What was happening?

As if in answer, Rhian materialises right where Blue had aimed his high-five, hand up to receive it, "You did get warded against my son, you hag, but not against me, I gave him a little boost," he says this not even turning towards Niamh, "Our son is learning so fast little mate, I'm proud," after his spiel, he disappears leaving all of us, gaping at the space he had occupied.

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