59. Pant-ups.

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"Well, that's all for today."

The moment Keon utters those words I'm out of my seat, flying towards the door ignoring all the startled shouts in my wake.

I screech to stop before a baffled Keon, who is still putting his tab down. Should I say something? I feel like I should say something.

"Adios," I squeak giving the poor man a finger salute.

His face transforms like his fighting a laugh or a cringe, but I'm too embarrassed to wait around and see.

I dash out the door and slam into the dean like a little tornado, sending both of us to the gleaming marble floors.

"Mahi, what's ..."

I jump off him kneeing his kidneys in the process; sorry dad, and with a muttered apology I zoom across the quad towards the library, opting to marinate in shame where no one would find me.

I was tired of all the drama in this place, a girl needed some peace and quiet, and her emotional support system.

With that last thought, I tap the pendant Nona Ellie gave me that helped me communicate with the pixies. A second later, Aodhan' s face projects from the blue jewel and he stares at me curiously.

"Hi Aodhan," I so had to get him a nickname, his name was a mouthful and I always managed to butcher it if his winces were any indication.

"Hello princess, how can we be of service."

I ignore the title and moved on, "Are you guys with Blue?"

He nods, somehow making it look regal.


I get an eyebrow raise but he answers me all the same.

"Yes, the heirs left for class."

"Great, could you guys come find me in the library, thanks."

Clasping the thing shut I hurry into the cafeteria.

Ignoring the enticing display of food, I hurry into the library above the cafeteria heading straight for the hidden alcove I had discovered at the back.

Sinking into the cushy seat, I take a deep breath letting it out slowly. "You're a colossal mess aren't you Mahi?" I mutter to myself.

All the events from this morning flash in my head and I cringe.

A thump pulls me from my thoughts and I glance at the bottle of some kind of juice next to me on the seat.

That's for you, thank you for the very entertaining morning.

"Thank you Dru."

The lights above me tinkle in response. I open the bottle and gulp own half of the sweet nectar. Wow! I so didn't want to know what I just drank, but damn was it refreshing.

"So, you saw all that," I ask after taking a deep breath.

Every single thing.

I slump back into the chair groaning, "What do I do?"

Well, accept it and take them as they come. Quite frankly you could do a lot worse; the men are nice, though I'm not sold on the high king, he's a little unhinged.

"Hhigh king?" I blurt.


"Who's the..."

Oh, great the colourful boy is here.

Scowling I stare up at the lights willing the damn magical entity to answer me when Blue barrels around the corner.

MAGE CHRONICLES: THE BEGINNINGWhere stories live. Discover now