51. Faery Godmother.

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I stomp out of the building the flutter in my ears telling me Nyx isn't far behind. Heart in throat I head towards my dorm, finally allowing thoughts of my beautiful boy to invade my mind. How was he? Did he think I had left him? Would he be mad again?

The last time we went on tour Blue had refused to talk or even acknowledge me for a whole week. I had spent half that week drowning my sorrows in Ryder's bar; serenading everyone with awful versions of my favourite songs, and the other half moping around the house stalking Blue while he went on about his activities like I wasn't even a blip on his radar.

Mama finally had enough and dragged me out of Ryder's by my ears; most of the patrons were happy to see me leave, there's only so much of a drunk girl singing about spring days, and loving herself they could take.

I had stayed out later than normal that day, giving up on any sort of reconciliation with my baby. However, on getting home, ears smarting, I found the little hellion pacing on the driveway muttering to himself, the moment he saw me he had flung his favourite plushie to the ground and sprinted into me knocking my drunk self-flat on my ass.

The thought brings a smile to my face as I make it to the main entrance of the black house.


I'm stunned for a moment thinking I'm still stuck in the memory when a colourful blur flings itself from the building and into my arms. I feel my knees grow weak and crumple as I struggle to contain myself. Blue! He was here! My baby was finally in my arms! He didn't hate me! I choke on a sob at the thought feeling the tight hold I had on my tears unravelling.

I bury my face in his blue locks, sobbing my heart out. His tiny hands creep up my back gripping and clenching as his wings tried to fold me in, but they are too small.

His chest vibrates and I realise my baby was also crying which sets me off again. I don't know how long we stay there, but I'm forced to look up when someone clears their throat.

"I didn't even know he could cry?" says Andrei and I turn my inquisitive stare on him, I hadn't even heard them come out.

"What do you mean?" I ask standing up with Blue still buried in my arms, I prop him on my hips and he buried his face further into my neck, biting and gripping.

Hiding a wince, I cock my head at Andrei waiting for him to explain his outburst.

"He was so chill the whole time, I thought babies were supposed to cry throughout."

I go to answer, obviously in my baby's defence when Ax raises his hand halting me, "Can i..." he breaks off arms spread.

What did he want? Oh...

Spreading my free arm, I prepare to tease him when his face also crumples and he walks into the hug.

"I'm so glad you're back and in one piece, I thought...I'm so sorry, we all are, for leaving you alone that night, so sorry." He whispers sound breaking.

Wait, what? Did he blame himself?

"Could we take this inside? We are attracting an audience." Rain says before I get to speak.

We trudge after him with Blue still clinging onto me, but my mind was whirling. Why do they blame themselves?

"They were with you before you were taken I gather, then they left you alone, and then you were kidnapped! They should blame themselves."

I jolt hard, I had forgotten the damn talking lizard was with us.

We walk in towards the elevator and Ax pauses to let me in first.

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