The Explanation

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Shoto's Pov:

I don't know what to make of this. How did Mineta even get Izuku to pick up the phone? He doesn't answer any texts or calls unless it's an emergency. Kaminari freaking out for no reason, which is worrying, does not count as an emergency. Why is Katsuki apologizing and crying? Who is Zuku? A thousand questions are racing through my mind and evidently it's the same for everyone else.

"You all can ask me any question you want. No limit. I just have to be at work in forty-five minutes. Sorry if I'm not being as cheery as I normally would be when I'm not acting, though I suppose you don't know how I typically act... I act very similarly to the way I did in first year when I'm not acting. However, I haven't slept in almost four days and haven't eaten in a little over two weeks, so yeah." My head snaps towards Izuku, as do those of everyone else in the room. I'm conflicted on whether or not I'll ask about his well-being and take care of him or if I ask about why he changed. Or acted, apparently.

"Why?" Eijiro asks in a pained voice, saying everything I wanted to in that one word.

"Um... you'll need to be more specific, sorry. I've done lots of things and don't know which you're referring  to..." Izuku gives one of his old smiles, bright as the sun, though it's tired as well.

"...He's the one Dunce Face was talking about. 'Zuku' or whatever he called him..." Katsuki say, rubbing his tear-stained face. I blink in shock.

"Kaccha- erm, I mean... Bakugo is correct. Denki, Minoru, and I make up the Depressed Trio or the DT. They're the only ones I didn't cut off. We've said many, many times 'The Depressed Trio sticks together'. In the scenario that I did try to cut them off they'd break into my house in the middle of the night thinking I was going to attempt suicide again, even though I promised that I wouldn't." Izuku says, wincing while saying Katsuki's name. We're all still confused and shocked, but this does clear it up to an extent.

"Why haven't you slept or eaten? Also, no one will think anything of it if you call Katsuki Kacchan, Izuku." I say, finding my tone has changed from its typical monotone. Izuku smiles softly at the last part, though it quickly fades.

"I don't have the time nor the money. I barely manage to get food on my children's plates, clothes on their backs, and a roof over their heads. I can't be spending on myself. I'm determined to give my daughters the best life I can with my paycheck." He says, determination firm in his eyes despite his tired state. Momo discretely leaves the room, then returns with a bowl of katsudon, placing it in front of Izuku.

"Eat. If you can't answer questions while you eat, ignore the questions. As the class vice president and class mother I will not allow this to go on any longer. Even if I weren't class vice president or class mother, you're my friend. Eat." She only continued because she saw how he was preparing to refuse, so he sighed and started eating, still answering questions. It was obvious that he loved it and wanted to devour the whole bowl, but once he'd ate a quarter of it, he stopped.

"I'll split the rest of this between Mira and Tanya, my daughters. They need the food more than I do." He states it simply, as though giving up food when he's gone so long without food wasn't torture. The malnourishment and mother-instincts has fought and the mother-instincts had been victorious.

"Izuku. Those of us who can cook will make more food for them. I would do it myself but I almost burned down the kitchen last week while trying to make soba. Eat your katsudon." I say, my tone back to its normal monotone. He sighs again, but eats it all.

Izuku is on his feet, running towards the hall before we can even register the sound of an explosion down in- oh my god. That's where the girls are. My children. A quarter of their DNA is from me. My children, the products of the love between myself, Izuku, Eijiro, and Katsuki. Within a second we're all racing towards the sound.

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