His Home

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Tanya's Pov:

I'm so glad to be home! I can't wait to add all of this new information to my notebooks! It's slightly annoying that due to the fact not all of my baby teeth have grown in yet I can't pronounce some words even though I know them. Uncle Denki unlocks the door as my dads look around the outside of the apartment... they seem shocked and worried. Oh well. That's for another time. I need to preserve these towels to see if they burn or explode later when Mama comes back from work and can help me light them on fire. Before getting sweat on either of them I wrote "Katsuki Bakugo" on one and "Mira Midoriya" on the other. The three who haven't been here before gasp upon entry, which is confusing. On the way here we stopped at a shopping mall, one of my dads, Shoto Todoroki, having a lot of money and buying us lots of stuff. Most importantly, he got us groceries!

"Twank you agwain, you dwidn't need to get us anythwing" I tell them, inclining my head to show my appreciation. I frown, noticing my twin is simply standing there making a "Tch" noise at my words. I lightly smack her arm. "Mira! Be wespectfwul! They dwidn't need to buy any of dis, but they dwid. Even if they hadwn't they are gwuests!"

"Yeah, yeah. Twanks or whatever. Sworry for bewing wude or sometwing wike that." Mira says, lightly rubbing the spot I'd hit her. Before they can give one of those 'Of course! We're your fathers, so we'll be here to help you and raise you in any way we can from here on out!' speeches I take the bags, passing a few to Mira, who grunts slightly in discontent, but takes it and we get to work putting everything away, occasionally marveling at some of the food and things they got us. Uncle Denki and Uncle Minoru do the same, minus the marveling, putting everything where it goes.

"Anything we can do to help? We're here for all of you now, through thick and thin!" Says one of my dads, Eijiro Kirishima, smiling brightly.

"That's fine. Minoru has the last thing and we know where everything goes." Uncle Denki says, though my dads seem shocked at his mannerisms, not including Shoto Todoroki, who is remaining in his monotone expression. Uncle Denki turns to Mira and I, "Uncle Minoru and I are about to start dinner, why don't you guys use your new stuff that Todobro got you? Tanya, I'm certain you want to take more notes on people that'll freak out everyone except for you and your mother. And Mira, didn't you say earlier that those colored pencils would be great for drawing explosions?"

"YES!" Mira and I exclaim at the same time, running off excitedly to get our supplies. It doesn't take me too long, but Mira lost her sketchpad so we had to look all over the house for it. Mira, being the idiot she is, decided to climb on things to get an areal view, which is dangerous because the house isn't in the best condition. She got down okay, but that was pure luck. By my calculations, there was a 87% chance that something would break and cause her to fall instead of supporting her miniscule weight. Uncle Denki has on his rubber gloves which he uses to cook, since they prevent his quirk from blowing up the oven or something. Mama came up with that idea while pregnant. Rubber doesn't conduct electricity.

"FOUND IT!" Comes an aggressive reply. My angry pomeranian father, Katsuki Bakugo. Of course, I'd never call him that out loud. But finally, I can get to jot down my notes rather than looking for my twin's sketchbook. I let out a content sigh, curl up on the couch, and start taking notes while muttering.

Author's Note: Does anyone have any ideas? Anyone? Please? I have no clue what to do next😭

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