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(Two Years Later)

Izuku's Pov:

My babies are already in third grade!! They skipped multiple years due to how smart they are! Oh my goodness, how the time has flown!

"Now, you girls behave, alright? No throwing grenades, fighting without a GOOD reason, emphasis on good, or creeping people out. Got it?" I ask them, trying to hold back tears of pride

"Yes, Mama. We know." They way simultaneously, Mira's tone being annoyed and Tanya's being excited. They rush into the school, all ready for their first day. It's enough to make a mother cry. But I won't! I have work to d- I rush to a nearby restroom and find myself puking up my breakfast.

"The heck...? I'm usually able to repress vomiting..." I mutter, feeling fine now. I clean up, flushing the toilet and washing my hands, then start heading home to change into my hero costume when I freeze, remembering the last time I was unable to stop myself from vomiting. That was when I was pregnant with the twins. I enter a nearby pharmacy, purchasing a few pregnancy tests, then rush home.

"Hey, Hun. How did the kids seem when you dropped them off? Were they scared? If they're having a problem with being in the third grade already I can go pick them up!" Eijiro says, a nervous wreck. I smile reassuringly, hiding the pregnancy tests.

"They're fine, Eiji. They were really excited, rushing in without looking back... they're growing up so fast!" I nearly tear up, but I don't. "Anyway, I should get changed and use the bathroom! See you at work?"

"Yeah, I'll see you at work! Sho and Kats are already on their way as they had a few errands to run"

"Oh, they could've asked me to do it! I was already out, they didn't have to go out of their way to run errands..." I say,

"Don't worry, Izu. It was on the way to our hero agency, but it wasn't on the way to the school and back, not to mention you don't need to run every errand. You already figure out what errands need to be run before any of us realize they need to be done, then run the errands yourself nearly every time something happens" Eijiro says, kissing me, a quick goodbye peck on the lips, "I need to head to the agency, so I'll see you soon?"

"Yeah, I'll see you soon!" As soon as he leaves, I rush to the bathroom, taking out the pregnancy tests. I got multiple, because sometimes if you just get one, it's wrong. So I bought three pregnancy tests just to be sure. I take the first one, closing my eyes while waiting for the results, then I hesitantly look... POSITIVE!? Wait, calm down, Izuku. Take the other two tests before you make yourself spiral... I take the other two tests with the same result. I decide to call Minoru and Denki to see if they have any advice on what my next step is.

"Hey, Zuku. You don't normally call this early, what's up? If it's about it being the twins first day of school, it's going to be okay!" Denki says

"Denks is right, Zuku. The girls are fine at school," Minoru agrees

"This isn't about it being the twins first day, though I am slightly worried about that, but- no. I took three pregnancy tests, every single one of them saying positive! What should I do?" I ask

"..." Both of them are silent for a moment

"So they fucked you AGAIN? They must really like sex!" My face heats up in response

"DENKI!!" I exclaim, flustered

"Seriously, Denki? Anyways, Zuku, don't you dare attempt to cut everyone off again. It's stupid and you were being stupid when you did it the first time they knocked you up," Minoru says and Denki makes an affirming noise

"Well, yeah. I know that and I wasn't planning on doing that again. But when do I tell them? And how? Also, how should I tell the girls?!" I'm slightly panicking and they can tell,

"Before you do anything else, you should continue your day like normal, though don't be reckless and do anything you shouldn't. Also, don't drink any caffeinated drink, you already don't drink alcohol, so that's not a problem. Um, just take the normal pregnancy precautions and tell them after work. You guys have a date tonight anyway." Denki says and I calm down a bit

"Right, thanks guys. You're babysitting the kids tonight, correct?" I ask

"Yep, so we're already able to give you an opportunity to tell your boyfriends about the pregnancy!" Minoru says

{Time skip brought to you by Tanya's creepy amounts of information}

"Are we there yet?" I ask, Eijiro's hands covering my eyes as they lead me to where our date is and I hear Kacchan chuckle

"Almost, just wait a little bit more" Sho says, his voice unmistakable 

Soon we reach our destination and I gasp upon seeing it. It's a beautiful meadow unlike any I've ever seen outside of the fairy tale picture books I used to read to Tanya and Mira back when they were very little.

"It's... amazing. How did you even find this place?" I ask them, but they just shake their heads slightly, either laughing or smiling softly

"A-anyways, Izu. We have something we'd like to ask you" Eijiro says nervously at towards the end of the date.

"Yeah? Oh, wait! That reminds me that I also have some news," I say, fidgeting a bit.

"Ugghhhh, I wanted to have asked already! And I still think that I should've been the one to hold onto the-" Kacchan starts to say, but Sho tugs on his hand

"Kats, you'll give away the surprise if we have this discussion again," Sho murmurs before turning to me, "What's happened, Izu? Is everything alright?"

"Y-yeah, um, I think it's good news. So, uh, remember how we, um-" I lose patience with my own fumbling, "Oh, I'm just gonna say it! I'm pregnant!" I exclaim and their eyes practically bug out of their heads in shock.

"We're gonna have another baby?!" Kacchan exclaims, all of them seemingly excited. I breath out a sigh of relief at the fact they're taking it well.

"Yeah, we are. By the way, what were you gonna ask me?" I ask, then my eyes feel like they're about to pop out of my head as Sho gets down on one knee and all three of them, simultaneously, as the same question.

"Will you marry us?" I gasp


Author's Note: Huge thank you to @Sam_Sick for the idea! I really needed it, so thank you!

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