Meeting the Grandparents (Part 1)

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Mira's POV:

This is stupid. We just met our fathers and now we're meeting their families too?! I swear, I'm probably gonna end up throwing a grenade at them. I know from Tanya that our Grandpa Enji is an awful person and unfit father. We're actually meeting Grandma Rei as well since she got out of the mental hospital last year. We also have an Uncle Natsuo and Auntie Fuyumi. Like, how many people are we related to?! I was perfectly fine with it just being me, Tanya, Mama, Uncle Denki, and Uncle Minoru, but now we have to add three fathers, which I guess is fine and Mama hasn't been as stressed since we met them. He's eating and sleeping almost as much as a human being should. But now we're meeting three other families that are also our family due to some stupid blood relation! And we're meeting them all at once!

"Mrs. Bakugou, Mr. Bakugou, nice to see you again. You're the first ones here, so just make yourselves at home." Mama tells them. Grandma Mitsuki really looks like Papa. I hope she's not an angry pomeranian like Papa is.

"Oh, Izuku, you don't need to call us that. My feral gremlin of a son has been semi pleasant to be around since you four got back together, so really, I should be thanking you. And how's Inko? I haven't heard from her in years, so we really should meet up soon!" Well, at least she knows that Papa's a feral gremlin. But why is she asking to see Grandma Inko? Doesn't she know that Grandma Inko died years ago?

"Um, why're you askwing about Gwandma Inko? She dwied years agwo." I ask her before Mama can respond. Both Grandma Mitsuki and Grandpa Masuru look at me in shock, their expressions showing shock, grief, and confusion all at once.

"Mira! Don't be inswesitive. They obviously dwidn't know." Tanya says, "I'm very sorry abwout my swister, Gwandma Mitsuki and Gwandpa Masuru. I'm Tanya, your Gwanddaughter. This is my swister, Mira. Our Mama, Izuku Midoriya, gwave birth to us years ago, not telling our fwathers, but our fwathers are Katsuki Bakugou, Eijiro Kirishima, and Shoto Todoroki. It's a pleasure to meet you." Ugh. Why is she always so polite? Grandma Mitsuki suddenly drops to the ground, pulling us into a hug.

"OH MY GOD, YOU ARE SO CUTE! Masuru, we're grandparents! Look at these cuties! Thank god they're not showing their feral gremlin of a father's genes." She's weird. And loud. 

"Yes, Dear" Dang, he seems so quiet and calm. The opposite of this crazy lady and his son. Oh good God, another woman is coming over.

"Izuku, it's lovely to see you! It's good to have you back. My baby brother and all of them were so sad and confused when you broke up with them, but they're all so happy to have you back. But of course, I'm happy too!" She smiles, seeming sweet. So this must be Auntie Fuyumi, Dad's older sister. Huh. I'd imagined her to be all monotone and expressionless like Dad.

"HEYO! Aw, I though I'd be first! Hey, where's my baby bro? 'Yumi, where's Shoto?" So that's Uncle Natsuo. Again, not like Dad. Maybe Grandma Rei is more like him.

"Shoto is with Kacchan and Eijiro, they're getting food and such. Shoto stole your father's black card again..." Mama says awkwardly and Grandma Mitsuki finally lets us go.

"SHOTO!" Ugh. So that's our Grandpa Enji. He's also the number one pro hero, Endeavor. I throw a grenade at him, but Mama catches it with Blackwhip.

"Mira. No throwing grenades at your grandfather." Mama says and I groan. Auntie Fuyumi, Uncle Natsuo, and Grandpa Enji all look between me, Tanya, and Mama in shock.

"But-" I begin

"GRANDFATHER?!" Grandpa Enji exclaims

"Dwats what he said. You got a pwoblem with my swister and I? Our Mama, Izuku Midoriya, gave bwirth to us a little undwer two and a half years agwo." I tell him, glaring. Tanya stares at him in a way that resembles Dad and Mama's death stares combined. She's always been able to do that, but I didn't know where she got it from until recently. 

"Hello, I am Tanya Midoriya, it's a pweasure to meet you. This is my swister, Mira Midoriya. Our fathers are Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugou, and Eijiro Kirishima. Do not bwame them for not twelling you, they didn't know untwil recently." She's death staring Grandpa Enji and is obviously creeping him out. Auntie Fuyumi squeals happily

"OH MY GOODNESS, I HAVE TWO ADORABLE NIECES!" Well, at least she's not hugging us. Uncle Natsuo seems confused, but he looks like an idiot so that isn't surprising, and Grandpa Enji is nearly cowering beneath the gaze of a child under three years old. I could never get the hang of those looks that terrify people. Tanya got a death glare from Mama and a death glare from Dad. I got Papa's anger issues and people are sometimes scared of me 'cause they know I'd beat 'em up and throw grenades at them in a heartbeat.

"Zuku, everything alright over here? I heard a lot of yelling," Uncle Denki says, rounding the corner while carrying a case of water.

"Everything's fine, Denki. The screaming was mostly from excitement and how cute my kids are. Mr. Todoroki did yell Shoto's name and yell 'Grandfather' after I told Mira she couldn't throw grenades at her grandfather, but other than that it was excitement" Mama says, taking the case of water from him, putting the waters in a cooler. Dad, Papa, and Dada round the corner next, carrying a variety of food and drinks.

"OI! YOU LITTLE BRAT, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT THESE CUTIES AS SOON AS YOU FOUND OUT!?" Grandma Mitsuki yells at Papa, who yells back at her and it dissolves into them screaming at each other with Grandpa Masaru standing uncomfortably on the sidelines.

And then two more women come through, probably Dada's mothers, the two Mrs. Kirishimas. He actually has two moms, which is neat. 

"Hey, Mom, Mama! Guess what? I have kids! Turns out Izu's inter- something, so he can get pregnant as well as cum! He gave birth to these two adorable twin girls!" Dada proclaims and they both stand there in shock for a moment, then start fawning over us. Great.

(1049 words not including this!! But anyways, should I continue this story? If so, please please please give me ideas!!)

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