The Wedding

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(A year and a half later)

Tanya's Pov:

EEK! Mama, Dad, Papa, and Dada are finally getting married today! And Mira and I are the flower girls. Currently, I'm holding my baby brother, Giyuu, whose name means courage or bravery. I recently got interested in the meanings of names. Mine means honorable and Mira's means admirable. Uncle Denki's name ironically means electricity, for some reason Mama's means long exit, Uncle Minoru's means kindness or rich, Papa's means victorious tree, Dad's means burn and freeze, while Dada's means reflective second son... though he's an only child. 

"Zuku, calm down! They aren't gonna change their minds! Now quit worrying, just be happy! This is a happy day, your wedding day!" Uncle Minoru is saying

"Seriously, Mama. They aren't gonna change their minds unless they're complete idiots. Which while they are stupid, they aren't that stupid!" Mira says, going against the meaning of her name

"Mira! Don't say things like that about our fathers. And don't use those words in front of Giyuu!" I scold as Mama face palms and takes a deep breath

"Why? It's not like he understands. He can't even talk yet, so he won't be saying-" She starts

"S... stwupid! Stwupid stwupid!" Giyuu says with the biggest smile on his face, laughing slightly. His first word... his first word is stupid!? Mama looks like I'm feeling, minus the anger.

"Uncle Denki, kindly hold Giyuu for a moment for me." I say, glaring at my sister

"Y-Yep, of course!" Uncle Denki takes Giyuu, looking terrified

"Now, my dear sister. I would like to... speak with you in private for a moment." I say, smiling, but holding my death glare, which is natural for me to do when truly angry.

"T... Tanya, we can talk about this. Can't we...?" Mira says

"I'm afraid we can't." I pull her out of the room by the ear

{Time skip brought to you by Mira's upcoming demise} 

Mira and I walk down the aisle, scattering flower petals on the ground with Grandma Mitsuki holding Giyuu at her seat. We get to the end of the aisle and part, going behind the alter. Mama then walks down the aisle with... OH MY STARS!! IT'S ERASERHEAD!! ERASERHEAD IS WALKING MAMA DOWN THE AISLE!!!!

"Tanya! Quit squealing, however quietly you are! It's Mama's wedding, not a time to fan over Eraserhead!" Mira hisses, pinching me, which is completely ineffective due to my quirk.

"Right, right, sorry" I whisper back, internalizing my fangirling. When people hear the term fangirling, they often think of the people crazily in love with whoever they fangirl over, but that's not me. I'm his biggest fan, but I'm not even six years old. I don't like ANYONE like that. I don't even know many people my age since I'm a five year old in fourth grade.

"Do you, Izuku Midoriya, take these men as your husbands, through sickness and in health, for as long as you and they shall live?" Miss Momo says, having gotten a license to officiate marriages

"I do," Mama says, tears streaming down his face

"And do you, Shoto Todoroki, take these men as your husbands, through sickness and in health, for as long as you and they shall live?"

"I do," Dad says, his tone light and happy instead of his usual monotone

"And do you, Katsuki Bakugou, take these men as your husbands, through sickness and in health, for as long as you and they shall live?"

"I do," Papa says, his voice happy and choked up with repressed tears instead of angry

And do you, Eijiro Kirishima, take these men as your husbands, through sickness and in health, for as long as you and they shall live?"

"I do!" Dada says, outright sobbing

"Then I pronounce the four of you married for as long you each shall live! You may now- oh," She exclaims, not seeming very surprised that they started kissing as soon as she said they were married.

"HECK YEAH! LETS EAT CAKE NOW!!" Mira yells, carelessly setting off explosions, the ones coming out of her right hand having shards of ice in them and the ones coming out of her left hand having flames in them.

"Mira! Stop setting off explosions!" I scold, grasping both of her hands in mine so the only way she could set off explosions would be to attempt to explode my hands, which would be ineffective due to my quirk. It wouldn't even hurt me in the least, I'd simply feel a bit of pressure.

We spend the rest of the day celebrating, everyone congratulating my parents and fawning over Mira, Giyuu, and I. That night Mira and I go into Giyuu's room, wearing headphones and watching TV with Giyuu, trying to block out the four of them attempting to summon the storks again. Well, Mira doesn't know how babies are actually made, but I went through a faze where I was obsessed with human biology, so I read MANY books on how the human body works. One of which explained not only the process of how babies are made, but how reproductive organs work, how cells carrying 24 alleles were created, how those alleles mixed with another persons reproductive cells to form a child, and so on. I was three and a half. I never told anyone what I had read and am not traumatizing my siblings with that knowledge. Of course, I was still interested in human biology and kept studying. I've learned so much about almost all living creatures that I would be so much better not knowing... Dolphins aren't as sweet as you think, whereas creatures like lions wouldn't do anything to a female without their express consent. I normally wouldn't say this word, almost never, but the world we live in is REALLY fucked up.

Authors Note: Thank you all for reading my story and another shoutout to @Sam_Sick for giving me the idea for the proposal, second pregnancy, and wedding! I've decided to start calling people on Wattpad "wolfies" so please tell me if you're uncomfortable with that. This was the last part to this story, so let me know if you'd like me to write another story. If so, please give me an idea of what you'd like me to write about! I'm a multi-shipper, so it doesn't have to be the same as the ships in this story. Thank you all again for reading this story and supporting me throughout my first time writing fanfiction! Bye, wolfies!

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