10.Freshers party

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Srida's pov

I'm sitting in my room doing nothing, today is the fresher's party and the whole week went in blur with classes and assignments. The pace it held is something which keeps you busy , I was so busy that even though I don't have time to rest and today is the weekend so I'm just resting and Kanvi is actually trying her dress , it came tomorrow because of some issues and now she is trying it. I hope it's not loose or tight, then it will be a big problem.

" Look bro ,how am I looking ?" She asked. She is looking so pretty and obviously hot.

" Firee " I complemented.

" Hahahaha" She just laughed.

" No I'm serious " I said.

" Kavish will be amazed today" I said and she just blushed. You heard right, these two creatures actually have a great chemistry,after that restaurant meet they actually bonded a lot,most of the time she was talking and we were listening. By we ,I mean me,kavish and him . He was always around but never talked with me. I don't know why and somehow it's affecting me. I too never tried because what will I say. It's not like , I'm an introvert or something but talking to him needs an actual topic which I never had. So we never had an actual conversation like Kavish and Kanvi . They both talk about anything and everything. I mean it seems they have known each other for a very long time. Most of the time she is bickering on his teasing ,but I like their bond . I'm actually happy that she actually bonded with someone else. She really needs that . So much isolation is not good at all.

"Come on it's nothing like that" she denied. Obviously she would.

" Yeah yeah I know how much nothing is that" I said with a cheeky smile and she smacked my shoulder playfully.

" So this dress is perfect ,now let's eat something and then we will get ready" She said.

" Yeah okay " I said .

Then we went to the mess for evening snacks and there we met other hostellers whom we know now since it's been more than a week we are here.

" Hey Sri,Kanvi " Shrishti said.

" Hi shrii " I said and laughed. We both have the same nickname so we tease  each other every time.

" Guys what about the party let's get dressed together ,what say " she asked. Honestly speaking I don't have an issue but our rooms are not very big so getting ready in one room is actually difficult.

" Uhmm, it's a nice idea but it's not reasonable enough I mean we have aur stuff in our rooms and it has very little space ,we can do one thing , getting makeup and hairs done in one room and then dressup in own rooms and then we will gather in the common room " I explained. Let's see if they will agree .

" Exactly she is right ,we can do makeup and hairs because that's the main thing , dressing up is not that tough " Ridhi said.

" So it's done we will do makeup in my room and then will dress up in our personal rooms " Shrishti said.

" Okay done ,so we'll meet in 15 minutes in my room " Shrishti said . Shrishti and Ridhi are roommates and their room is just beside ours. Since me and Kanvi are best friends we don't really involve in groups ,but shrishti is nice girl and she has room beside ours so we have so many small talks in the corridor and Ridhi is little nosy but we have no issue as per until she meddle in our lives.

" We can do the makeup in our rooms as well Srida , I don't want to go in theirs , anyway I have to do your makeup and mine why to go there" She said and I thought that she is right.

" Why didn't you say anything to me in the mess, I would have denied " I asked. She always does why not today.

" Uhmm , I thought it's going to be okay but I'm getting a bad feeling so why not ditch the plan , anyway we are going to gather in the common room " She said and I listened.

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