unequal heartache

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Shaera awoke to Daemon's arm wrapped around her, her body felt warm. She rolled over to admire his features, even sleeping Daemon had a creased brow like he was scowling.

"Its improper to stare, my flame", his eyes remained closed.

"I am admiring you, My most handsome prince. Besides I think we are quite past being improper".

Unbeknownst to anybody, a Handmaiden of the queen had heard them aswell as Rhaenyra and Criston,in the throws of their pleasure. She went straight to Alicent, informing her of a so called scandal. Alicent then told her father who took it to Viserys, if he could ruin Rhaenyra then Aegon would be favoured to become heir. His desperation to have Hightower blood sit the throne blinded him his anger that his soon to be wife slept with his enemy. He didn't want truly want Shaera but Otto knew that she rivalled his power over Viserys and he was bitter against Daemon. Viserys was furious when Otto brought the matter up, claiming it was a lie concocted of rumour. He dismissed Otto as hand and gave the position to Lyonel Strong. Viserys didn't want to believe this of Rhaenyra but he wouldn't put it past being something Daemon would do. He walked to Rhaenyra's Chambers seeing Ser Criston standing outside. When he entered, to his surprise, he saw Shaera braiding Rhaenyra's hair.

"Good morrow Viserys",

"Good morrow to you both. I have been made aware of something, a rumour that I do not believe but others may talk. Rhaenyra, you are to wed Ser Laenor. Shaera, goodsister, I wanted to tell you that I have decided your betrothal to Otto is no longer required as he is no longer the hand of the king but you are still to wed at some time".

Rhaenyra stood to face her father.

"The son of the sea snake? You seek to use me to resolve your political headaches",

"You are my political headache".

Viserys left the two in order to seek out his brother.


"How dare you! Why must you cause such problems for me by doing such a thing",

"I need to know what you are accusing me of before I can deny it".

"Shaera. Did you defile her to prove something to Otto",

"When I offered up my crown you said I could have anything I wanted but all my life you know what I have wanted and yet never granted me it. I want Shaera and I would not call it defiling her if reciprocated my feelings".

"You are insufferable Daemon but even I do cannot go against our grandmothers wishes. If it were up to me you and Shaera would have been wed from the very beginning but you already have a wife",

"You are the king, you have the power but you squander it. You tell me to  give my bronze bitch an heir but i hardly think a babe would grow in such a hostile environment".

Silence overtook them as Viserys angrily kicked Daemon's arm.

"If it were Shaera asking to wed me would you allow it?", Daemon asked.


"Is it because it is me that you say no to the thought of her wedding me?",

"Yes! I want the best for her because I owe it to her for what I did to Aemma!".

Shaera entered, interrupting the two.

"Your voices carry throughout the keep, stop yelling. You forget the walls have eyes and ears, I'm surprised the whole of Kings Landing hasn't heard you",

"Shaera, please tell me what my brother says is not true".

"I will not lie to you Viserys, it did happen but nothing was ill warranted. I was not coerced nor forced but I do not wish for it to cause you any bother. I will admit it saddens me that I cannot be with Daemon but I will do what is expected of me per your request",

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