love, hate and suffering

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Shaera was driven by hatred, her heart turned cold. What used to be a bright spark had since burned out at the thought of losing Daemon. She refused to eat or even leave her chambers for most days. Her eyes stung from the tears that never stopped, her mind betrayed her with memories from when she and Daemon got married.

Grief was ironic for her. She was surrounded by it but still struggled to cope with the loss of her loved ones.

Shaera stopped crying, the ache in her heart was still present but she wanted to do better for her children. She had lost her husband but they had also lost their father. She left the comfort of her chambers with a great struggle. However, she was soon distracted from her task of finding Rhaenyra who had been tending to the children whilst she couldn't. Anger fueled her like adrenaline, a new found strength invaded her senses as she stormed down into the dungeon.

"I was wondering when you would come back",

"You do know what my being here with you means, do you not?".

"Indeed and yet it seems you have not fulfilled your promise of delivering my sons head on a platter. I also know the look of grief, your husband is dead",

"Do not act like you and I are similar in any way, I may be grieving but it does not make us the same. The only reason that I didn't make well on my promise was because your son is laying at the bottom of the bay".

"As is your husband".

Shaera clenched her fists as unlocked the cell and attacked Alicent. She clawed at the Hightower woman, Alicent's thick hair wrapped in her hand as she pulled it. Using her new found strength she used her hand to push Alicent's face into the metal cell walls. The former queen groaned in pain as blood began to gush from her nose, her vision blurred from being smashed into the hard metal.

"I do not need you to reiterate my pain to me. I never did anything to spite you and yet you have done nothing but disrespect me over these past years. And Rhaenyra, how could you do that to her?".

Alicent scoffed but it was quickly quieted by Shaera rearing her arm back before shoving Alicent's head forward once more then allowing the woman to speak.

"Rhaenyra abandoned me! She wanted nothing to do with me and I felt alone. She got everything she ever wanted. As for you, I resented that Rhaenyra had somebody like you whilst I did not",

"Somebody like me?". Shaera quizzed.

"Somebody so devoted and loving. Someone that cared  for her and someone that loved and cherished her beyond all else",

"You grew to resent me because I looked after my niece?".

"I resented you because I had nobody like you to do the same for me as you did for Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra got to have everything she ever wanted, she got to float around the keep with no regards for duty nor honour. She pushed me away like vermin",

"She pushed you away because she was angry that you married her father right after her mother died".

"I did as my father bid me to",

"And that is why you are sat in here awaiting death because you allowed yourself to become second to a man's idiocy".

"I did as the faith guided me to, I did as expected of a woman of my standing",

"Do not take me for a fool, you do not get to act as if you are innocent in all of this. You are the reason we are at war".

"A woman on the Iron Throne would be a welcomed change but-",

"But not if it is Rhaenyra?".

"Aunt Shaera?", Rhaenyra interrupted.

"Nyra, what is wrong?",

"Might I speak to you?".

"Yes dearest".

Shaera locked the cell before she and Rhaenyra left the dungeon. They walked together to Rhaenyra's chamber.

"I am worried for you",

"I understand but I am trying".

"I do not want to do this but I must tell you. There has been a sighting",

"Sighting of what?".

"Nettles and Sheepstealer, leaving Driftmark".

Rhaenyra looked confused when Shaera's face shifted from shock to laughter. A loud boisterous laughter that Rhaenyra used to find contagious, whenever she was a young girl she would laugh alongside her mother at Shaera's laugh. Now she found it odd.

"Even though Daemon is dead, he still has women chasing after him", Shaera giggled continuously as she began to lose her breath as tears began to well in her eyes.

"Aunt Shaera-",

"Did you send a raven to Corlys asking if he knew why she was there".

"I did. He said he did not know, only that she gave him something of value that cannot be revealed until the time is right",

"Why must that man always speak in such riddles? He makes me miss  Rhaenys even more than I already do, she could always decifer what he spoke".

"I do not know but we shall find out soon it seems".

On Driftmark...

Daemon stood at the window, looking into the distance.

"You cannot stay angry forever",

Daemon grunted, not turning to greet Corlys in any way.

"Watch me".

"Daemon, it was a necessary decision to keep them safe. To keep her safe",

"I was ready to die alongside Caraxes to keep them safe, I should have done so if I had known that all I can do is be stuck here knowing she believes me to be dead instead of being by her side and ending this petty war".

"What good would going back injured have done? Surely if the remaining greens knew then they would be straight to attack Kings Landing",

"I know that and yet I would defy the spirit of Aegon the conqueror himself if it meant that she could live a life that she deserves, that our children  deserve. I only wish that Caraxes did not have to give his life for mine. That traitorous usurper will die, just as his brother did".

"I feared you may say that. I do not doubt her capabilities but even if you kill Aegon, how can you be sure the realm will listen to Rhaenyra",

"My niece is stronger than her father. I loved my brother but he lacked what it took to be king. Rhaenyra has continuously studied with Aemma and Shaera about Queen Visenya, the first queen to truly rally the kingdoms, a queen that was respected. Might I ask, Lord Corlys, why is it you speak of that drunken fool like you respect him?".

"I mean only to help end this war by any means necessary",

"You wish to take the easy route, you are a coward and I am leaving".

"You have no weapons, no mode of transport, nothing. You will not get to her if you do not listen to me",

"I have only ever truly listened to people I respect. You'd have known that had you been a respectable person such as your wife".

Corlys grew angry at Daemon's words. He knew Daemon was an impulsive and aggressive man but never did he think that the prince's pettiness could stoop so low when he is stuck with no way to get back to Shaera. Then again, he knew Daemon would never admit that he needed help. Corlys had to make a decision now that Daemon was almost fully healed, would he tell Shaera that Daemon was alive and help the man return to King's Landing or would he take drastic measures to stop the war?

The Pyre for a heroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora