Battle above the Gods eye

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When Syrax and Aethalrax landed, the dragonkeepers put Syrax back in the dragonpit whilst Aethalrax flew into the air once more. Over the years of being at Dragonstone where he was allowed to fly freely, Aethalrax had grown too big for the dragonpit.

"Are you going to talk to him before he leaves?",


"Are you going to make amends?",

"I do not think he wishes to see me at this moment".

"That is nonsense, Aunt Shaera and you know it. What if you do not say anything before he leaves and something happens",

"I do not know what I would even say".

"You love him, I understand that you want to stand your ground but saying goodbye to your husband does not relinquish that",

"I fear I will make a fool of myself and that we shall just disagree instead of a goodbye".

"You will regret it if you don't".

Rhaenyra walked inside whilst Shaera waited for Daemon. She stayed turned away from him but she knew he was there, his familiar presence gave her the same warm feeling in her chest whenever she felt him beside her.

"My flame. Rhaenyra said you wished to say something to me",

"I do not wish for you to leave angry at me. I just, I love you and I wanted to say goodbye".

"I love you but you have to stop endlessly worrying when you do not need to",

"I worry because I would not be able to carry on should you die".

"I will always come back to you",

"I know, I wish you goodbye for now".

"Tis not a goodbye, my flame. It is a guarantee that I will come back to you and our children as quickly as I can",

"Why must you make you leaving so much harder?".

"To make the feeling you get when I return that much more",

"Your arrogance would get on my nerves if i didn't love you as much as I do".

"How fortunate for me that you do love me as much as you do",


The shared a loving kiss, the wind blowing their hair as Caraxes landed infront of them. Daemon layed his forehead against hers before pulling away and mounting his dragon.

Shaera walked inside the castle to find Rhaenyra stood smirking.

"Not a word", Shaera spoke sternly but Rhaenyra knew she was joking.

"I do not know what you speak, I would never say that I was right and you weren't". Rhaenyra chuckled.

Caraxes and Daemon flew through the air, they always felt at peace when they soared through the clouds. When they arrived at Harrenhal, the tension in Daemon's shoulders returned. Harwin told him that Vhagar had been sighted recently. Aemond was baiting them but Daemon was bloodthirsty.

After two long weeks of waiting, Aemond finally emerged at Harrenhal.

Daemon and Caraxes joined them in the skies, the battle commenced. Violent clashing and thundering roars of pain. Raw fire and blood spilled as they used their dragons to fight against the other.

"You have lived too long, uncle",

"On that much, we agree".

Aemond's face turned a pale, deathly colour as he watched Daemon leap in the air with Dark sister raised. He dove onto Vhagar and thrusted his sword through Aemond's eye, the tip of the sword came out of the other side of Aemond's head.

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