divine conflict

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Shaera left Rodrik and Visenya to let them sleep whilst she went to dine with the rest. Her blue dress swirled as she sat opposite Daemon. Alyssa frowned at the confused scowl on her father's face and looked to Aemma who looked just as lost. The room was quiet, an unspoken tension clouded the atmosphere. Nobody said anything as they sat awkwardly watching Shaera and Daemon glare at each other. The evening went on with the same tense atmosphere until Shaera walked out, she had enough of sitting and not fixing anything.

"Father?", Alyssa spoke.

Daemon stood to his feet, his hands gripped the edge of the table before he let it go.

"Not to worry Alyssa my darling, I will speak to your mother".

He left the room, Rhaenyra let out a breath she had been holding as Alyssa spoke up again.

"Did anyone else think they were acting strange?",

"Yes but let us hope they resolve their issues", Baelon answered.

Shaera went into their chamber, she stood infront of the window with her arms folded into each other. She didn't turn when she heard the door open and slam closed, it shook on it's hinges.

"Why are you being dramatic?",

"Daemon, I am not in the mood for your antics".

"Look at me".

Shaera turned her body to face him but didn't meet his gaze as she poured herself some wine from the jug on the table. Daemon grabbed the cup from her hand and threw it across the room. She scoffed at his behaviour.

"That was childish, even Rodrik and Visenya don't throw things like you do",

"Is that all you can say? You judge my actions even though they will keep my children safe".

Shaera finally looked up at him, his demeanour was full of fury but so was hers.

"OUR children. I do not judge you for wanting to apprehend the greens, I judge you for wanting to kill innocents just to do so. You undermine me and my reluctance to murder yet you do not like that I do not want to do the same as you. A marriage is supposed to be with who you love no matter what and you seem to forget that I am your wife",

"I have never forgotten about you or our marriage. I waited years for you and I would have waited a thousand more if it meant you were my wife. If it meant that you were mine".

"I love you but do not think your words will change my mind. I will always be yours but your vengeance may cost us",

"What I think is that you are trying so hard to remain angry at me but you aren't thinking about  my vengeance".

"And what pray tell would I be thinking about?".

Daemon stood behind her, his hands held her hips as her back met his chest. One of his large hands left her hip, he brought it up to her face. His thumb rubbed against her plump lips. She whimpered softly as she saw their reflection in the mirror of her vanity.
Daemon's mouth went to the shell of her ear, his hot breathe caused goosebumps to form on her skin.

"You, my flame, are thinking about how much you wish for me to fuck you so hard that you feel weak to the knees. You want me to fuck you until I fill you with another child".

He bit her earlobe before moving his lips to the exposed skin of her shoulder. Shaera's back arched as she laid her head back on his chest. A satisfied sigh left her before he pulled away. At the loss of the warmth of Daemon's body pressed  against her, she turned to see him smirking. She walked up to him kissing him hard, her hands went to his hair. She pulled his head back after breaking the kiss to speak.

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